3bp on KQ8 2t from both sides
Posted by footlong
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Low Stakes
3bp on KQ8 2t from both sides
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $25.00
SB: $57.21 (Hero)
BB: $34.53
UTG: $55.80
MP: $14.43
CO: $33.98
SB: $57.21 (Hero)
BB: $34.53
UTG: $55.80
MP: $14.43
CO: $33.98
villain 33/22 - 3b 1/3 - 9 hands
Hero is SB with
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Couple of questions concerning this hand:
1) How do you like x/r'ing with QQ compared to KK or 88 or KQ? Would you mix this in vs someone who's unknown but plays multiple tables or only once we know, he's good and aggressive enough IP?
2) He stacked off with A3cc. Do you like his flop line? I like the initial raise more with A3cc than with lets say A9cc or even AJcc but I wouldn't be that happy about facing a jam.
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You can research the environmental trends at your limit to develop a better profile for unknowns. If you find out the environment stabs too much as IP, you can argue that checking flop w/ QQ makes more sense.
I prefer a c-bet here since you don't block his calling range and you don't want to give free equity to hands like AJ/AT which may check.
As played idm a jam, but another small raise probably puts him in a tougher position as as played he can likely fold his draws.
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