3betting vs. EP/MP (Regs)
Posted by wolfobert
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Low Stakes
3betting vs. EP/MP (Regs)
hey guys,
i'm playing the 10nl zoom games 6max. i have a problem constructing a 3betting range against regulars (lets say 18% first raise) who are opening from ep or mp when i am oop in the big or small blind, so i ended up never 3betting them, including flatting AA,KK,AK,QQ...
i 3bet fish of course with these premiums.
i think i need to exploit the regulars tendencies more in these spots, although i find it very difficult especially if my sample size is low (lets say under 500 hands).
i tend to squeeze the premiums if a weaker player is envolved.. i also squeeze for the reason of dead money and playabilty if i hold QQ in sb and a regular is opening in ep + a call from a regular on the cutoff..
whats your approach? thx
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