3betting AQs - turn FD

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3betting AQs - turn FD

On the flop, villain's range is tight, so I'm not sure whether betting is a good idea, although the flop is somewhat dry so betting isn't terrible I guess.
On the turn, after villain calls, his range is quite strong so I don't want to bet, although maybe I should have considering there's the flush draw?
I decided to check with the intention to c/f if I don't hit the flush.


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Claret N Blue 2 years, 3 months ago

I'm fine with betting range OTF in this spot. Many villain will check call flop and give up, so i'm betting turn again - probably 33%-50%

i-hate-soup 2 years, 3 months ago

Pre flop
you should be betting bigger at 2nl I would raise to 9bbs. for two reasons
1)The rake is really bad at micro stakes so you should be betting larger because when every body folds preflop you don't pay rake. There for your win rate automatically goes up.

2)Its 2 NL your opponents are going to make mistakes by calling large bets with bad hands you can punish them raising larger which again I will increase your win rate

in theory you can cbet or check 3 handed on the flop. I personally prefer betting. but I would bet 1/3 here.

On the turn I would size up to half pot and expect BB to fold allot hands that are slightly ahead of you now. If they call we still have a ton equity vs villain's range.

on blank rivers after betting turn I am giving up


HawksWin 2 years, 3 months ago

Seems ok, agree with soup about bigger pre.

Short stacking caller is going to have lots of middling pairs and SC's here. So we have 65/66/55/87 to contend with. Along with the Kx he can have.

Not sure about betting turn. SPR 1.5.........

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