Feels a bit too whide imo…
Vs SB i would 4bet this pure pre.
As played: whats your thought about the flop stab? Im stabing fairly whide and often with a variety of hands in this spot, so i would usually go 1/3 if im stabing.
AK seems to be a threshold where i might prefer a check because folding or calling vs checkraise seems unattractive.
Kind of similar thought OTT i guess.
As played: i guess im checking river, because basically one f the hands that we want to fold out is the one we hold ourselves (AK and clubs or hearts) We also have some SDV i assume.
We should also not forget that villain XC twice and the board is fairly wet, so i expect to get looked up here fairly often.
This is probably fine. In general, I would go to 4x sizing for OOP 3 bets, but certainly not a disaster.
I think flop can be c bet. We are going to have AA/KK/QQ/JJ/TT/99 here which is a bunch of combos. We are less likely to 3b 66 and 44 pre. We have to find bluffs. AKhh is one of the best bluffs, followed by the other heart heart combos followed by the club club combos with the highest equity. I think AKcc can certainly make it into the c bet range.
Getting 3:1 on Turn we likely need to make money on the river for this call to be profitable (assuming our pair outs are not in play). If we factor in the possibility that our pair outs are live sometimes, we are going to be doing better.
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Feels a bit too whide imo…
Vs SB i would 4bet this pure pre.
As played: whats your thought about the flop stab? Im stabing fairly whide and often with a variety of hands in this spot, so i would usually go 1/3 if im stabing.
AK seems to be a threshold where i might prefer a check because folding or calling vs checkraise seems unattractive.
Kind of similar thought OTT i guess.
As played: i guess im checking river, because basically one f the hands that we want to fold out is the one we hold ourselves (AK and clubs or hearts) We also have some SDV i assume.
We should also not forget that villain XC twice and the board is fairly wet, so i expect to get looked up here fairly often.
This is probably fine. In general, I would go to 4x sizing for OOP 3 bets, but certainly not a disaster.
I think flop can be c bet. We are going to have AA/KK/QQ/JJ/TT/99 here which is a bunch of combos. We are less likely to 3b 66 and 44 pre. We have to find bluffs. AKhh is one of the best bluffs, followed by the other heart heart combos followed by the club club combos with the highest equity. I think AKcc can certainly make it into the c bet range.
Getting 3:1 on Turn we likely need to make money on the river for this call to be profitable (assuming our pair outs are not in play). If we factor in the possibility that our pair outs are live sometimes, we are going to be doing better.
Seems fine to me.
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