3bet pot SBvsBTN wet flop- still 1/3 strategy option?
Posted by MatoStar
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Low Stakes
3bet pot SBvsBTN wet flop- still 1/3 strategy option?
Hello guys, I am just not sure about those textures, I used to cbet 1/3 in 3bet pots, but during the hand I was thinking like, I am not sure if I have enough fold equity on the flop. So probably start check/folding some hands and checking also some value hands. But think that my hand is so vulnerable and need protection, so that was the main reason why I decided to cbet with larger sizing.
My plan was betting 2 streets on a good turns, usually some blanks. Check/fold some really bad cards (6,8,J) and check/call if the board gets paired (except of T) or on some cards like Q or K, but it would be close, depends on sizing.
But the main question is what would you do with our whole range on the flop?
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Hi, nothing else to say, well played Imo.
I'll go with decent flop size bet, and will check around 40-50%. Most of my Tx would be a bet.
could we check 100% here? AA KK AT fd, flush draw. and x-r 0%. then play the turn?
if cbet I still like 1/3.
I will never understand those 100% range x in microstakes. That is clearly not a thing to do :/
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