3bet pot OOP floping nut flush
Posted by gaudthegreat
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Low Stakes
3bet pot OOP floping nut flush
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $5.31
SB: $3.19
BB: $5.00 (Hero)
UTG: $8.85
MP: $5.14
CO: $7.42
SB: $3.19
BB: $5.00 (Hero)
UTG: $8.85
MP: $5.14
CO: $7.42
Hero is BB with
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villain is 33/20 after 15hands mostly unknowed / 0% fold to 3 bet pf (0/1) / att to steal 50%
when i hit the board so hard vs mostly unknowed player... should i just check and raise if he bets or the optimal play is to just bet for value and hoping to get call by Qx TT QQ or AK with K of clubs
i was wondering what you guys think of that situation?
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Since I'll cbet a lot of my 3bet for value hands on that flop (everything that has a club and the sets/overpair basically), I like balancing by cbetting the nuts also.
If I'll get called I would c/r the turn, to try to induce and let a freecard to Kcx hands
probably limit is too passive to get to check/calling mode, x/raising I haven't thought about it not having Kc or Jc to our Ac is good thing for check/raise, however bit too strong. So I prefer bet/bet/bet line
It is not a spot where you totally crush all continue combos to consider checking here, like for example hitting top set on Axx or something like that. He can have so many things on this texture, i wouldnt consider checking here.
I also feel like these textures are played a bit scarry by opponents, so not expecting crazy bluff frequencies, especially when you hold Ac.
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