3bet pot flop

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3bet pot flop

Yatahay Network - $0.10 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4: http://www.pokertracker.com

Hero (BTN): 123.7 BB
SB: 385 BB
BB: 131.8 BB
UTG: 186.2 BB
MP: 120 BB
CO: 120.3 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has As Kh
UTG raises to 2.5 BB, fold, fold, Hero raises to 8 BB, fold, fold, UTG calls 5.5 BB

Flop : (17.5 BB, 2 players) 7h 3d Ah
UTG checks, Hero bets 6.3 BB, UTG raises to 28.8 BB.,Hero?

Villain is reg~ish over 100 hands.

I block flush draws.


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RaoulFlush 4 years, 1 month ago

I guess we will have to call this; mainly for three reasons:

1) You cbet 1/3 OTF (which is good) and so Villain is theorywise supposed to have a whider raisingrange, for example:
2) He could be playing AK this way as well.
3) If he is a reg, he should not have 2p-combos in his range usually. So his valuerange gets super narrow as we block AA, while there is still some FD arround even though we hold the Kh.

RaoulFlush 4 years, 1 month ago

for sure not a huge mistake; if any....overfolding should be ok in general vs most players at this limit.
Its definetly kind of marginal to call....

zinom1 4 years, 1 month ago

I think its a call with a backdoor flush draw. Withou it folding would be good.

Jalo 4 years, 1 month ago

My backwards thinking was that i block some FD so his range is more skewed to value and with his sizing we aren't realizing bd equity before stacks go in.

If i call the flop, OTT there is PSB ish left and folding on everything but a heart, A or K, will feel really dirty and so will calling on anything else.

zinom1 4 years, 1 month ago

Your argument is also valid. But usually having the backdoor flush draw compensates the fact that we block some bluffs. This is because vs polarized ranges it's really important to have equity to make the nuts (or near nuts).

Stoic-Centurion947 4 years, 1 month ago

At this limit Villain got 77 or 33 reg or rec he's never got 2pair hes never raising AQ he never does this with a FD overall he has rarely got AA btw id bet bigger on flop overall around 60% but played it fine if you folded and with you having the Kh is not really relevant IMO your not blocking T9s 56s he cant have 87s so basically FOOOLD! haha

robbo 4 years, 1 month ago

Too assumptive for me to start folding AK here. Basically only repping 77 and maybe 1 combo 33. There is still some Fd he can do this with and also AK, maybe AQ if he is bad.

Stoic-Centurion947 4 years, 1 month ago

Im basing my assumptions on player pool tendencies that I see at micros yeah looking at it again we can call one bet on the flop but 33 are a call 100% if he has them 77 are a mix and yeah as I said I think he can have draws so maybe call one if he has any understanding of GTO QJs T9s 98s should rarely call vs a BTN 3bet he could have them its 10NL but he should never raise any of them and he said he reggy over 100 hands so I am assuming he has some knowledge and is not spewy if he is then I more inclined to call but 9/10 he should fold here and stack off more appropriately if I was playing 100NL 200NL maybe its a different story but I like my reasoning I am definitely folding none heart turns and even if the turn is a heart or even pairs the I hate my like when he barrels me big on turns

HawksWin 4 years, 1 month ago

Jalo What is your range in this spot and what is your assumption of his range?

Jalo 4 years, 1 month ago

I have no calling range here , and i am range betting flop.

Villain's size and the dry flop texture leads me to assume he is skewed to value .

thinking not folding here is a leak.

Seems nitty to pitch it here , hence the thread. But i folded.

HawksWin 4 years, 1 month ago

Jalo I mean what is your 3b vs UTG range and what is your assumption for his calling range vs your 3b? Are you fully linear in your range vs UTG or do you have some polarity. Mine is like TT+, AQs+, KQs and some randomized wheel aces (in other words, I don't 3b all of them. I would probably 3b them 50%). If that is what your range looks like, we are nutted with like 1 combo of A3s and 3 combos of AA.

More importantly, what does his range look like to call you pre? I think we can assume they he has some 33 and all 77 and maybe AA once in a blue moon. I think you will see some A7s and A3s played as calls here sometimes. I think he will have some AK here. Axss and maybe AQo or AJo. The important part of his range is the draws. We block all KXhh, I think he has QJhh, JThh and T9hh for sure. Rec will have more connecters and weird stuff.

So, when we bet and face a raise like this, we have bad removal to the hands we want him to have (KQs/KJs/etc.). So that leaves QJhh/JThh/T9hh and the value combos. We are drawing dead vs 1-3 combos of 33, all 3 combos of 77 and the one AA trap. We are drawing uber thin vs his 2 pairs. This leaves 3 decent combos of FD's that we are 2:1 favorite over. Over all I would kind of guess my equity at 25 to 33% or so in game.

Feels like a bet/fold to me. GTO is all over this as a call but I am quite sure that if you start node locking TP+ and FD's for OOP, this spot is a pure fold. Now, that is using the ranges I assumed. If you have a) a better read on how UTG continues preflop or b) a more diverse 3 betting range that hits this board (77 is the only deviation that is "nutted" that I can see since I don't think you/pool is 3b 33 vs UTG very often).

Gino Song 4 years, 1 month ago

just assume he is bad reg that has sets and 2 pairs here and fold to the GIANT reraise.

RagingPillow 3 years, 11 months ago

Is this raise considered giant? I think it is technically a half pot raise which is usually the smallest pre-programmed button someone could click to have the software calculate the raise amount for you. Hero is still getting 2:1 pot odds after the raise. I don't intend this to be a rhetorical question, I am curious for a different perspective.

RaoulFlush 3 years, 11 months ago

It should be arround a 77% potraise actually. But looking at this number in this spot is kind of a bias imo. Because you are right: as a 3x open pre would mean „pot“, raising a flop like 77% pot sounds not that huge.
But if we take a look at the relation of heros sizing vs the raise (which is roughly 5x) the relation shifts heavilly.
Just imagine beeing 3bet pre for 6x or someone opening like 6x: Thats all „huge“ sizings. Thats the reason why we often take a look more of x (as a multiple of a bet/raise) rather than looking at the relation to the pot.

MattS 3 years, 11 months ago

I think fold is meh and call is less meh but meh with the blocker and jam is spew, without the fact that she is turning hand face up. Super polarized range in a pool that under bluffs, pitch is fine

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