3Bet pot deep facing check raise.. call turn?
Posted by AlwaysAK
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Low Stakes
3Bet pot deep facing check raise.. call turn?
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $14.09 (Hero)
SB: $11.83
BB: $16.14
UTG: $19.55
MP: $10.00
CO: $10.00
SB: $11.83
BB: $16.14
UTG: $19.55
MP: $10.00
CO: $10.00
Hero is BN with
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Final Pot
UTG wins $7.59
Rake is $0.36
Rake is $0.36
villain 20/18 fold to 3b 80% over 100 hands ( 8/10). pretty much assume villain is on top of his range. sets overpairs. 25/ pot odds , 18/ equity 10$ behind ott facing 4$ bet. i haz 18% equity to the nuts. Can i calll here relying solely on implieds? feels spewy. i guess he is like to ship all rivs which makes calling ok cuz of implieds? ty for ur help
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those folds to 3bets r most likely from LP ... look at it by position
postflop u not repping much, unless u 3bet 22-99 , so i would just xbeh F since i dont want to get raised and fold so much EQ, + i have IO , and yeah looks like he has88-99, he is not doing this with overpair..or maybe sometimes.. but he looks nitty enough
Don't 3b JTo against UTG raise, there are tons of better spots for you to exploit. As played, b/c flop is fine but checking behind to realize equity is also fine.
Villain does fold a lot to 3bets, but the sample is so small that I would not go as far as 3betting JTo here. I would probably 3bet a lot with hands like Axs, Kxs, KJo, suited connectors, hands that have a bit more equity/playability than JTo has.
I would call on the turn, because his sizing is small and I think we have very good implied odds. He has 88/99 most of the time I would say and we stack him everytime we hit and he has a set.
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