3bet Defense Strategy?

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3bet Defense Strategy?

Hello runitonce community.

Recently took two shots at the midstakes, got f*cked :)
I filtered for Call vs 3bet in my HoldemManager and I realised I'm losing money at a spectacular rate. Players 3bet more aggressively preflop and continue with a substantially higher aggression postflop. My broad question is how do I counter that? And my specific questions is what ranges should I adopt? Below are some off the top of my head ranges to give a loose idea of what I'm doing:

Call vs 3bet from:
UTG: ATs+ 88+
MP: ATs+, KQs, 77+ OOP, KJs, AJo IP
CO: KJ+ AJo, QJs, + 66+ OOP, mixing SC 78s+ against looser opponents, KTs A10o IP
BTN: K8s+, KJ, J9s+, Suited Connectors 56s+ mixing small PP 22-66 with calling against looser opponents,

Do those ranges look fine? And also if i'm calling wider, how to I properly counter aggression postflop? I call gutshots, overcards + BDFD but I encounter so much more turn betting than the lower stakes.. Also how to counter aggressive 4bet strategy? 5bet shove bluff sometimes? What type of range should be defending against midstake 100nl-500nl 4bet strategies?

Lastly, do you guys think it's wise to play FD, OESD ect. aggressively in 3bet pots due to low implied odds and try to capitalise on fold equity by raising? eg.

Hero raises to 2.5BB from SB with KhQh,
Villain 3bets to 10BB
Hero calls

Flop: 3h Jd 5h. (pot 20BB)

Hero checks, villain bets 4.75BB. Hero calls

Turn: 8s (pot 29BB)

Hero checks, villain bets 14.5BB. Hero calls

River: 6d. Hero checks, villain checks, shows JhTh, wins pot.

Preflop I would have probably check raised on either turn of flop. But I feel like in 3bet pots due to low SPR I cant do that so well. Thoughs?

Any insight would be very appreciated. Thanks a lot guys


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furiouslettuce 6 years, 2 months ago

I struggle with this also and am interested in replies. I do think AJo should be a fold in MP though. Snowie doesn't even call AQo in that spot.

Also how much to call/ 4bet depends on how wide you are in the first place as it will effect villians 3bet range vs you and how much is "correct" to defend with.

Jeff_ 6 years, 2 months ago

I think you asking about all pref-lop strategy. Not capable to answer to all questions but first thingI see:
you calling 3bet ranges are tight. (don't think it is a huge issue depending where and what you are playing)
how to play 3bet pot oop isn't hard nowadays. Solvers will help you a lot with that, get ready to spend many hours learning and ''thousand hours'' polishing it.

Hand is played fine! x/R flop can be used at decent frequency

RunItTw1ce 6 years, 1 month ago

You said call or calling 6 or 7 times in your post. Hard to win money making hands. I would move down in stakes and work on your game a bit more before moving up. Pre black Friday ABC poker doesn't work as well any more. I would like to have a tight 3 bet calling range and mix in more 4 bets or folds.

Also should focus more on not just your position, but which position is 3betting you. UTG vs BTN is different from UTG vs MP.

UTG 2.5x open vs MP 3bet 7.5bb
Snowie calls 77-QQ, AK, A10s, J10s+, then mixes some 4 bets wtih KK+, AKs+ A7s, A5s-A2s.

UTG 2.5x open vs BTN 3bet 7.5bb
Snowie calls: 66-JJ, A10s-AQs, AQo-AKo,
4 bets: QQ-AA, AKs, 57% AKo, some times 99-JJ, A5s-A2s, A7s.

Depending on the sizing you use, snowie can even 4 bet some 88+ hands in this spot for 16bb and pSB 24bb would be more polarized.

I would advise spending a buy-in on snowie.


SnowAndFire 6 years, 1 month ago

When filtering for 'Call vs 3bet' you have to remember that you already have committed money to the pot in the form of a raise. So, if you are opening to 2.5bb then you are already -250bb/100 if you fold. Therefore the 'Call vs 3bet' must only be better than -250bb/100 to be profitable. It is a little counter-intuitive if you did not already know this but I am sure makes sense if you think about it.

It has been awhile since I have used a database but I believe they still work this way. You must do the calculations.

When constructing pre-flop ranges you should look at some solutions of what optimal looks like and figure out why they look the way they do then take to your database and see which types of players certain hands are profitable against. Then construct pre-flop ranges versus each player type. Hint: In poker the hands which stop becoming profitable to call are normally your first bluff raises ie polarization.

SnowAndFire 6 years, 1 month ago

No.. some hands will do very well in 3bet pots.. filter for each hand in each position to find out what each hand is worth and where you need to fold more or make post-flop adjustments. But remember if you filter for 'Call vs 3bet' then you are already starting the pot with money involved. so breakeven after opening to 2.5bb is -250bb/100. Therefore if a hand is -100bb/100 and you always open 2.5bb from that position then it is likely printing money to call the 3bet.

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