Posted by temati
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Low Stakes
BB - 30 hands 23/0. BU - reg OR 70 - fold to cb 81 (many hands); Fold to cbet flop 63, turn 29(7). wtsd 22, win 51
I think that he can have all sets, AT, AK, QJ in such situation
how blayed?
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I think the 3-bet preflop is light. The flop is too light again with the overcaller. I think you should be giving up with some of your air. This hand seems like a good candidate.
On the turn, I would use a larger sizing to make my river allin smaller. Once the player calls the turn, I suspect his range is relatively strong. Your perceived range is very strong in this spot. (3-bet, fire 3-way, fire K turn). He should have folded by now, since he hasn't he probably has a strong hand.
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