3B pot deep 87s
Posted by matiko09
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Low Stakes
3B pot deep 87s
Blinds $0.25/$0.50
COPlayer5 $83.46
DHero $86.13
SBPlayer2 $52.20
BBPlayer4$ 65.61
Hero is BTN$ 0.75
Player 5 (CO) raises to $1.50, Hero raises to $4.50, 2 folds, Player5 (CO) calls $3
$9.75 2
Player5 (CO) checks, Hero bets $4.64, Player5 (CO) raises to $16.25, Hero calls $11.61
8h7hJs 6d
Player5 (CO) bets $20.75, Hero calls $20.75
8h7hJs 6d2c
Player5 (CO) goes all-in $41.96, Hero calls $41.96
Hero 7d8d
Player5 (CO)JdJh
Hero lost $83.46
It s against quite agressive reg. Can I do something differently? My plan was give up on wet turn/river when flush/streit were comming,
there are also argument for turn show ...
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Hello Mati,
I am playing lower limits, but if you don't mind I would like to say a few words about your hand.
I hope this answer helps you.
Hello Shizzle,
I don t have clear stats on players, because I play at Partypoker, I have just sessions stats and notes, so it s a bitter difficult...,
Thank you for detail analysis this situation, it is really good point for me think about spots this way, using arguments pros and cons, I mean more datails pros and cons :)
btw, what is your limit?
you are welcome ;)
I am learning a lot by writing stuff like that and I really like it.
Currently NL10 :] but I am climbing very fast.
Preflop, I think when 180BB deep, it's fine to flat JJ vs BTN 3-bet (at least some of the time). So I think he can have JJ here.
His flop check-raise indicates a polarized range. So he probably has a set, T9s, two pair or a semi-bluff. Pair+FD and top-pair type hands would probably not take this line. He might also do this with an overpair, though QQ-AA is likely to 4-bet preflop.
You block the two pairs and most of the sets and unblock hearts. So his value range is something like: JdJh, JdJc, JhJc, 8s8c, 7s7c, T9s, 8s7s, 8c7c
which is 11 combos.
His bluffs are something like: KhQh, AhJh, KhJh, QhJh, AhTh, KhTh, QhTh, JhTh, Ah9h, Qh9h, Jh9h, Ah6h, Ah5h, 6h5h, Ah4h, Ah3h, Ah2h
which is 17 combos. However, he might not have all the combos preflop all the time, and not all of them will take this line. Nut flush draws will often check-call flop, though they could check-raise too.
It's a decent hand to call down with, but it's close.
One other thing to keep in mind is that when people play deep like this, they tend to bluff less. (This is one reason why I don't like to play this deep.)
My thought process in game on river was quite clear: all drows miss, I am on the top of my range, I blocking his value range and I unblocking potentional bluffs, but...,I still have to consider that we are deep a people play more honestly in this spots and on lower stakes overfolding in some situations is not a mistake...
So what? I think river decisions is quite close, that mean call is not a big mistake, but fold is probably a bit better.
How wide are you 3 betting here preflop this deep? I would expect his calling range to be slightly wider here due to stack depth. At this depth, I start to lose some of the middling connectors and add in more combos of Axs (most specifically A2s-A5s, and to a lesser degree A6s-A9s). Keeping the middle suited connecters in as bluffs is fine if you are able to dance around the danger postflop when it occurs obviously.
So anyway, vs an aggressive regular (who is pretty unlikely to trap over pairs) this is probably close. He has to have bluffs here and his missed draws can have some good blocking effects to you having a straight. A8s, A9s, K9s, etc. An aggressive regular can probably go for 3 streets on this board with a trapped over pair too (if he ever does this).
With good reads, you could potentially fold turn. That 4x on the flop and then 1/2 on turn has some characteristics to it that make me suspicious here.
Versus aggressive fish, I might just jam flop. Vs passive fish who's lightest raise here is AJ and doesn't raise many flush draws, I think your line is fine.
If villain is super aggro calling river seems fine. I'd expect villain to simply shove his high to medium equity bluffs on the turn which makes this line strange.
thats really good point that with bluffs most of the players don t use this turn sizing....
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