3b oop, cbet BP, how to play T ?
Posted by zenky35
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Low Stakes
3b oop, cbet BP, how to play T ?
UTG: $40.58
HJ: $23.42
CO: $15.95
BN: $33.12
SB: $39.08 (Hero)
BB: $13.18
HJ: $23.42
CO: $15.95
BN: $33.12
SB: $39.08 (Hero)
BB: $13.18
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO raises to $0.75, BN folds, Hero raises to $2.50, BB folds, CO calls $1.75
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO raises to $0.75, BN folds, Hero raises to $2.50, BB folds, CO calls $1.75
(2 Players)
Hero bets $2.59,
CO calls $2.59
(2 Players)
1 - do you think 3b is mistake given villain's stack size? If yes, fold or call is better?
2 - Is flop cbet standard? If not what line is better? What about the bet size?
3 - As played, how to proceed OTT?
Thanks :)
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Seems a fold pre, due to stack sizes.
As played, i bet bet jam on pretty much any run out except K, Q...seems spewy but he should raise flop or turn w strong hands on this drawy texture.
But i didn't notice you can't go for triple bc he has left a psb ott...sick
Preflop just seems unnecessary. Unless he's folding way too much, this seems like a bad spot to 3bet bluff.
Flop is kinda gross. I would probably cbet and hate it but maybe x/c is better with a pair + overcard + bdfd, I dunno.
On the turn your only options are jam or fold. Given his stack size he's probably a recreational player and I'd expect him to just call with every offsuit Jx and Tx so jamming seems bad.
fold pre, c/c flop, c/f as played
No stats is not making it easy (try posting some stats with your hands). Based on his stack size I assume he is a recreational player in which case 3beting PF is bad (unless he folds way to much to 3bets and you exploit him by getting a lot of folds or he is calling 3bets insanely light in which case A6s can be considered for value but that is an extreme scenario).
That being said, with no info vs recreational player and regarding the stacks the 3b PF is bad. Why did you consider making the 3bet in the first place?
As played:
Might look weak, but I would check/fold flop. Betting is not doing much for you because that board hits a big part of his 3bet calling range, he could have a lot of broadways and flush draws that he is not folding and you`ll have a hard time to continue on unimproved turns. I think anything other than check/fold flop is spew.
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