33% CB

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33% CB

Hello. I am quite new to this topic and have some questions around it.

So CBetting 33% is mostly a range CB. It's a simplification, giving up some Ev, but much easier strategy to adopt. Mostly done OTF, IP.

Are there situations to use it OOP? Maybe Co vs BU, but not so much UTG vs MP? Right?
Also in 3Bpots IP, for example BU 3Bets Co, A72r, CB 33% most of my range? What about a flop like KJ6r? It would seem to much to CBet 33% my range there, no?

I usually do it in position vs blind on boards that contain an A or K, or on some lower boards where i can barell on higher/scare cards. Is this good? Is my understanding good here? Is it good to use it in 3BP as well?


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HawksWin 3 years, 7 months ago

In short, I would have to say c betting OOP small is not great. Stabbing small on turn when raiser checks back flop is perfectly fine. We need to be pretty darn selective on how we play our c betting strategy OOP. Most pools c bet entirely too much OOP and when they do it small they open themselves up to get raised on the flop or getting floated and facing bets on turns when they check.

In your 3b examples, if you are IP and c betting small on those particular boards, it seems fine. A/K dry disconnected boards are usually pretty good for high frequency c bets IP.

pokernemo10 3 years, 7 months ago

What about when you 3Bet from the blinds. Q high or J High boards seem the worse to CB 33% range? But still good on dry boards? A high, K high, 752r, 954r? What about QT5r? We have a GS there. How bad the board should be for us to stop Cbetting range?

HawksWin 3 years, 7 months ago

BTN Call vs BB 3b

I have looked at a lot of grids pertaining to this spot. I would do two things. I would copy that range closely (doesn't have to be perfect) and put it in Equilab/Poker Ranger/Any Range vs Range software as your baseline and save it. Next, I would add weight to AA/KK/AKs/AKo (the pool will essentially call 1 of 6 combos of AA, 1 of 6 combos of KK, 2-3 combos of QQ, 3-4 combos of JJ and most all of TT-44 and then a few combos of 33 and 22. They also call a bit wide with suited hands so you can add some fringe suited hands). I would also save this range.

Next, put in your BB 3b range look at your raw equity vs that range. Next, start thinking of flops to enter and why one flop is better you than another. Then enter that flop and check your work. Make sure you think it through and take notes before you enter the flop you are working on. Or, open a second instance of the equity calculator and do random flops on there and then do the thinking.

Example: 9h8h6c flop (Two Tone and Super Wet)

How many nutted combos does he have? Well, we know by that range that he is fully loaded with 99/88/66 (9 combos) and he will mostly have 98s (2-3 combos). That's it. We are dominated by 11 to 12 combos and that is all (unless he has T7s, in which case he has a combo or two more since T7s is mostly folded to vs 3b).

What combos do we dominate? He has 1 combo of KK/2 combos of QQ/4-5 combos of JJ/5-6 combos of TT. He has 77. He has 55. He likely has some A9/A8/K9/T9s.

How many problematic combos does he have? Well, QJ/QT/JT/87/77/55/Tons of really good FD's.

What nutted combos do we have? We once in a while have 99/88/98 and that is about it. We do have AA/KK/QQ/JJ/Some TT which is still quite nice against a nutted region of only 12 combos.

A GTO sim is going to check AA quite often here looking to get bets out of the draws so that he can check/raise a lot but is that strategy effective in low stakes passive pools that look down at KJhh/KThh/Axhh/ QJ/JT/87s and check back and deny our check/raise opportunity? He essentially has 11 to 12 combos of TT/JJ alone. Add in some QQ/KK/FD's/77/55 and we are pushing 50%+ equity with our entire overpair region.

As the 3 better, we are going to be a little low on bluffs. I would have all suited broadways (heart/heart combos), I would have A5hh/A4hh. I would have K9hh. I would once in a while have pair+SD/FD

So, all of that being said, how are you going to set up your betting/checking range on that board with your 3b range vs a data driven pool call range (large sample player specific stats are fine too)?

Repeat this process over and over again and you will start to notice patterns/trends and these decisions will become much easier.

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