3 betting 88 SB vs Button. Profitable?

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3 betting 88 SB vs Button. Profitable?

Is 3 betting 88 from sb vs button profitable vs a good player who is capable of 4 bets,bluff raises, and floats? I understand 88 is far ahead of the buttons opening range but it seems very difficult to play profitably out of position vs a competent player.


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James Hudson 6 years, 7 months ago

Moved to low stakes because this question is a little better suited for this forum. The short answer is that if it's not profitable for you in this situation the button is playing way too tight or you need to work on your postflop play a little bit.

Bingo 123 6 years, 7 months ago

Yes its profitable , you are losing 50bb/100 from the SB, you will do better than that 3betting it. Could be flatting makes you more tho, will depend on the SB as well. This depends on your overall SB approach too, do you 3bet/fold ? then it should be in the 3bet range. It's nice to have it in your 3bet range anyways at some frequency so that you have the postflop sets as well

halperin45 6 years, 7 months ago

yeah i guess the real question was is flatting more profitable. how bad is just flatting vs 3betting it in general. it seems very difficult to play out of position these mid pairs.

James Hudson 6 years, 7 months ago

Flatting from the SB can put you in a difficult spot because you generally cap your range and allow yourself to be squeezed a lot by the BB or for the opener to put a lot of pressure on you on boards that your SB calling range doesn't hit that well.

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