3 Bet Ranges OOP

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3 Bet Ranges OOP

I was wondering if any players had any tips for constructing 3 betting ranges oop (blinds and ep). I know it sounds elementary, but I've been struggling with that as of late. Pretty big leak imo

For Ex:
1/3 NL
UTG opens to 12, there are 4 callers. This dynamic had been happening all night in general. I have AJo in sb it's either 3bet or fold. I know that flatting is out of the question. What sizing am I supposed to use here? Is 50 good? I guess my fear in doing so is having everyone flat my 3bet and having no idea where I am in the hand, because as soon as the UTG player flats it incentivizes others to do so as well. This particular hand I folded, simply because I wasn't comfortable with 3 betting.

What hands do you choose to use as a bluffs to balance out your stronger holdings(AJ+, big pairs, etc.)

In terms of player types lets just assume we've sat down and we have no reads on players. Any insight would be helpful.


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TeddyJill 7 years, 2 months ago

Without any info about the players, stacksizes, table dynamics and UTG in particulair it is just not a very clear spot.
That said, Why can't you flat here OOP ?? AJ is not a good hand to 3 bet against 5 players. It is also too good to fold IMO. I am flatting this almost always unless I have to work on or work with my table image at that point.
An A or J high board is good for you and very in disguise. Depending on the flop you can donkbet or check/raise.

2smart4u 7 years, 2 months ago

Just dont 3bet ajo oop against call stations. No reason to construct an oop 3bet range in these stakes. Wait for big hands, bet big, get the money. Dont hold back. Idiots will give it to you when you got the goods. If youre going to light 3bet, do it in position.

ouch787 7 years, 1 month ago

Uhhh....u haven’t given us reads or stats and most importantly you haven’t specified how many people are in the hand. Based on the fact you said this is 1/3 I am assuming this is full ring live in which case AJo 3b can get you in a lot of trouble. For the sake of keeping with what is stated in your post let’s say there are no other callers just you and open raiser. In this spot without reads I would likely elect to cold call as we don’t want to play a big pot oop in genera
Without the goods and if you are playing full ring there’s a good chance your hand could be dominated by AQ or AK. Saying AJ is a 3b or fold can definitely get you in trouble without reads say our opener is very tight and only opens with hands he can stand a 3b with. In that case we are 3b a hand oop when we would probably be a lot better off just calling.

JACKraceLUKE 7 years, 1 month ago

In general it's best to play youre entire continuing range from the sb as 3-bets, which leads to a merged range. However in spots like this (live games; lot of multiway pots) I think it's fine to call all your small and medium pocket pairs as well as some strong suited connectors and suited Broadways. Exception: if there are short stacks involved in the hand you won't get enough value a lot of the times when you make youre hand. In this case you should even tighten up your range.
However AJo in my opinion is just a fold no matter what. You'll end up paying off way to often on A high vs AK,AQ and even if you hit the miracle KQT it's gonna be hard to extract max value ooP.

When it comes to squeezing in this exact spot(assuming all players at least 100bb) I'd go with QQ+,AK/ KQo, 67s....if very deep I would lean more towards suited connectors 56s,67s,78s as Bluffs as well as A5s or A4s.

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