3-bet pot with TPGK

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3-bet pot with TPGK

I have a more general question, how do you play these kind of hands? When do you give up? In all situations, so as 3-bettor, caller, ip, oop, etc. Just two examples what I mean:

Hand 1

BTN: 104.6 BB
SB: 153 BB
BB: 87.2 BB
UTG: 101.6 BB
Hero (MP): 104.6 BB
CO: 109.4 BB

SB posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has Qs Js
fold, Hero raises to 2.4 BB, CO raises to 8.4 BB, fold, fold, fold, Hero calls 6 BB

Is it a fold preflop given our positions? How would you play if it was CO vs BTN?

Flop : (18.2 BB, 2 players) 3h 7c Qc
Hero checks, CO bets 5.8 BB, Hero calls 5.8 BB

Turn : (29.8 BB, 2 players) 3d
Hero checks, CO bets 22 BB, Hero calls 22 BB

Fold vs this sizing?

River : (73.8 BB, 2 players) 4h
Hero checks, CO bets 73.2 BB and is all-in, Hero

Hand 2

BTN: 103.2 BB
SB: 133 BB
Hero (BB): 129.6 BB
UTG: 131.6 BB
MP: 105 BB
CO: 82 BB

SB posts SB 0.4 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has Jc Ac
fold, MP raises to 3 BB, CO calls 3 BB, BTN calls 3 BB, fold, Hero raises to 16 BB, MP calls 13 BB, fold, fold

Flop : (38.4 BB, 2 players) As 9d 6s
Hero bets 12.8 BB, MP calls 12.8 BB

Turn : (64 BB, 2 players) 4c
Hero checks, MP bets 20.2 BB, Hero calls 20.2 BB

It feels kind of commited at this point with SPR around 1.

River : (104.4 BB, 2 players) 5h
Hero checks, MP bets 56 BB and is all-in, Hero


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Shaun Pauwels 4 years, 9 months ago

We have KQ, AQ, QJ and some flushdraws on the river I guess. We have to call 50% off the time and be good 33% off the time. QJ feels like the lower end, especially as we don't block KK, AA.
In these spots I am looking at blockers for their value range and not blocking his bluff range. We have no blocker for either range, our range is tight and contains better hands, call with the better hands, fold this one.

Is it a fold preflop given our positions? How would you play if it was CO vs BTN?

Not a fold. As ranges get wider postflop we would have to start defending wider. So QJ might become more of a call.

I like the squeeze.
Flop: I doubt we have many bluffs but we do have some weaker hands that want to get to showdown as cheap as they can. Betting small seems fine. Plus we should still hold the range advantage.

Turn: I like. If we create a check range then AJ should go in it.

River: Though. If villain calls AK preflop instead of 4-betting then I would prefer a check/fold but it still feels close. Those are 8 extra combo's of value that kick our ass. He already has AQ, 87s, 99, and maybe 66. His bluff combo's are abundant as well though with spade draws having missed. I would call here but expect to lose often.
If you consider this an underbluffed spot where you play (people not betting their missed draws here enough) then it's a clear check/fold.

downflux01 4 years, 9 months ago

H1 Im flatting that preflop vs most, turn im exploitatively giving up. I would make sure to call here vs regs sometimes that are capable of barreling their FDs or gutshots (65s, 54s), as they mostly give up OTR on my stakes, but dont know about your pool.

H2 Good squeeze, still calling turn but I dont see too many worse value hands that go for it OTR and would argue its an underbluffed spot overall, so Im laying that one down.

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