3-bet & Cold-called pot - TURN

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3-bet & Cold-called pot - TURN

CO $2000  - Seemingly a good solid regular 26/22

Hero sb $2000  Ad Ks 

BB $2000

CO opens $60

BTN Folds

Hero SB 3bet to $200 

BB Cold-calls

CO Calls

FLOP ($600)

Ac 8c 5c

Hero bets $395, BB folds, CO calls.

TURN ($1390)

Ac 8c 5c Qd

Hero ???? ($1405)


Turn card kind of crushes my range and I feel like I will only get called by better hands. I feel like I should be c-calling here. Am I totally lost here or do you have any other opinions?

fwiw, I would like a smaller c-bet.


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dkelley1 11 years, 5 months ago

i think c/f best on turn / riv, only a few combos of kcx left, he'd be flat calling lots of flushes on the flop and sets and two pair i think, aq beats you, and would check back turn and riv or fold the flop w/ lots of Ax combos w/ or w/o a club, haven't done math but off top of my head u getting owned -- and lots of times he may fold pre w/ offsuit king combos, same w/ like a10c 

and your cbet range on the flop looks so strong dont think you getting floated that much w/ marginals

it comes down to how you think he plays like AJss - A2ss on the flop - i would think most decent regs fold but maybe thats just me

Unicorn 11 years, 5 months ago

No special reads about this opponent, but I think he would be 4-bet/calling KK+,AKo and calling with most of the time with TT-JJ and QQ maybe 50%, AQs, AKs and maybe KQs.

Edichka1 11 years, 5 months ago

if you feel that BB cold calling range in this spot includes 1010-KK  then we have some high card removal from CO range, CO could be calling wider here cause of stack sizes, odds and position.

I think c/c will price you to any action OTR, If your plan is to c/c then you might as well bet/call or just jam.


VodkaHaze 11 years, 5 months ago

Why not check flop? Once you get a coldcaller in the pot, it takes a lot of bluffs out of your cbet range, and makes it seem like checking flop would be better since they would end up playing their ranges right against your hand when you cbet, no?

dkelley1 11 years, 5 months ago

feel like checking flop makes your hand relatively face up IMO, only way it plays out good for you is for some reason you can bluff a club or something on a later street which you prob wouldn't want to do anyways w/ this hand anyways. any line after check (c/r, c/c) is pretty hard to play and you can't be expecting that many stabs on this board IMO -- think betting flop is clearly best

Unicorn 11 years, 5 months ago

I don't like checking either, it's not a hand I would like to bluff on later streets anyway and if we check it will prolly get checked through majority of time and all of their medium flush draws, which would fold to flop cbet, will get a free card. 

I do like cbetting & c-folding the turn. Same goes with river.

What about AQ without flush draw in our shoes? Jam turn? C-call river?

Sauce123 11 years, 5 months ago

which turns do you keep betting on?

dkelley1 11 years, 5 months ago

maybe you can point out how GTO might fit in here, but to me it feels like it would make a lot of sense to check here in general, with possibly all(?) of our hands, given how strong I'd perceive his flop continuing range and w/ only one PSB left (given i'd say he has a lot of made hands ((he definitely has more flushes, sets, and two pairs, than us in his range)) and a few hands like kcjx which don't have a ton of equity vs most of our hands we bet on the flop and check turn w/ but we can bluff catch with, and its debateable he even peels those on the flop given how tight we should be perceived to be cbetting this flop and how unlikely it is he gets paid off when he even gets the chance to see a 4th club) -- given all this, prob good for him to be peeling flop a little wider than one might think but maybe even hard for him to do if he folds offsuit broadway combos pre given how poorly they play in these types of spots even in position

Unicorn 11 years, 5 months ago

I don't think I would bet any turn with AK or most of our range because there is too many flushes in our opponents range to valuebet it. We can get it in otr anyway if we want to. If I keep firing with something that would propably be with smaller flushes. I don't see many semibluffs in our range here so that might not be necessary. With AQ here I would check the turn aswell and be prolly c-calling the river. Any opinions?

Thanks for your vids, btw!

JohnCarmack 11 years, 5 months ago

I don't see the logic behind cbetting this flop only to c/f on a blank turn and yes our range definately should consist of some semibluffs. I think you'd be better of checking this flop with your reasoning and as for your range in general. Checking certainly doesn't make you face up in any way. As played - bet.

cYde 11 years, 5 months ago

If BB's range consists mostly of pockets (half of them flop a FD on this board) and CO's range contains a few pockets too, why not bet the flop to fold out those hands that have decent equity against us? It doesn't matter too much that we have AK here as we rarely realize our equity but we are gonna check it down against BB's QcQx (not knowing the Turn on the Flop) or AK sometimes or might have even a profitable shove on the Turn if just BB calls the Flop bet (depending on his coldcall range). That combined with our blocker so that it's less likely that BB has AK himself, I rather bet AK here than 7h6h. That is assuming that BB and CO fold Pairs with a FD on the Flop. If BB calls Flop with AQ+ and Pairs with FD, we should have a profitable valuebet as well.

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