3 barrels vs pfr check. 50nl
Posted by WM2K
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Low Stakes
3 barrels vs pfr check. 50nl
Anonymous again but he s short so prob one of the recreational types. Flop is mandatory stab, turn is a scare card so I 2 barrel (maybe already a bad idea due to lack of equity) and then river do we continue. Its conveniently a PSB.
- Short stacking villains are usually not good. Double edged as it means he can get a call in more. Depends on if they view this card as bad.
- the 2 pairing isnt good for barrelling. Means we pretty much have to get him off a 8 to make river a good bet. Weak 8x now chop with most other 8x.
- AK is a good hand for c/c flop.
I think I just answered my own Q. Any other points here? Whats your play?
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Yeah, i also feel like its not a spot where guys are eager to fold OTR a lot of things from their turn calling range. Something that Nick Howard wouldnt call a 'hotspot'. 2/5/8/K are prop the worst card to continue barreling. Every 9+ is a solid candidate tho as it should challange his turn calls.
Yeah, you answered your own question. His turn calling range is going to get really stubborn on this river. Abandon ship.
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