2NL. Reraised shoved OTR. Could you find a fold ?
Posted by Smalltimeplayer
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Low Stakes
2NL. Reraised shoved OTR. Could you find a fold ?
CO: $1.89
BN: $4.27
SB: $2.93 (Hero)
Villain is VP20/PR13 on 42 hands.
I felt his 3bet calling range just slightly hits this board and I put him on a JJ-66, JTs, 87s and AQs-A4s. Please let me know if my ranging is off?
Not sure whether it was correct to check the flop since I was the preflop aggressor. I checked thinking JJ-66 and Qx would bet a lot of times so my plan was to x/c the flop and lead the turn. However he checks back the flop so I ruled out a lot of Qx in his range. At this point I put him on a flush draw, a hand like A7s-A4s ?
OOT I don't believe the Q should be a scare card for me but please let me know if I am wrong. And on the river it's a brick so I decided to go for a value bet but villain tanks and shoves. Can we find a fold by the way he played ?
I have 2.18:1 odds to call and I ran his range(AA,TT-55,AQs-A4s,K8s-K7s,J9s+,T9s,98s,65s,AQo-A7o,JTo,65o) in equilab and we are 88% equity in this spot.
How else could I have played this hand better overall ?
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thinking about ranges too precisely at these stakes is pointless, villain is most likely just clicking random buttons
bet flop, no reason to check. Villain has no reason to bet weak Qx and 66-JJ too, he is most likely to xb. Reasons include: general passivity/showdown proneness of these player pools and the fact that he might rightfully expect you to cbet your air
turn and river bets are fine, fold to a river jam, villain has qx+ almost always and nobody bluffs by raising rivers enough. Plus you should have plenty of weak Qx in your range to call with
I'm always folding vs the raise. At 2nl we're always behind when we get raised OTR (assuming we don't have 1st-2d nuts).
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