[2NL] 200bb deep JTs in 3-bet pot.
Posted by EduardSB
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Low Stakes
[2NL] 200bb deep JTs in 3-bet pot.
Blinds: $0.01/$0.02 (6 Players)
BN: $3.15
SB: $3.65
BB: $5.40
UTG: $1.04
MP: $4.26 (Hero)
CO: $1.97
SB: $3.65
BB: $5.40
UTG: $1.04
MP: $4.26 (Hero)
CO: $1.97
Villain was 50/25 with 0% 3b over 17 hands.
Hero is MP with
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Since I was IP on unknown with a hand with good implied odds. I called here.
We have good equity here, I could raise here.. opinions? I think villains 3-bet range is TT+ AQo+ KQs+ so we have some equity against villains most frequent value range.
Since I still have good equity against his range and don't want to bloat the pot and face a 3-bet OTT.
We spike 2 pair OTR. Is there anything we can beat here?
Final Pot
wins and shows a straight, Nine to King.
BB wins $5.34
Rake is $0.19
BB wins $5.34
Rake is $0.19
Hi guys,
I'm new to the forums. I have bought the essential subscription and I am going to be very active on the low stakes forums.
What do you guys think about the way I played this hand 200bb deep? thoughts?
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"We spike 2 pair OTR. Is there anything we can beat here?"
He has a Q or bluff . Since this is nl2 and ppl rarely bluff this spots I think you should fold anything but Q there.
If he had AK there he is scared on that river as much as you are, so most would check that river.
I think this is the opposite, but I can be wrong for sure. I haven't played that limit once, but an educated guess is that, since people are clueless and there's little money involved, they can spew more
Honestly they play like bingo, they wait until they hit. Having talked to some 2nl recs their thought process with things like draws is I don't want to put money in until I hit my straight/flush, until then I want to check/call.
forCarlotta I would say the population underbluffs rivers through 50NL. I haven't played 2NL and only a little 10NL so maybe it's parabolic but i don't think it is.
I would need to see a guy acting crazy or other extreme credit them as a thinking player to call off 2 pair on a 4 straight board. Calling large river bets and raises without a read with bluff catchers or a plan to induce is burning money and has a huge impact on win rate imo
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