[25NLZ] Exploitative fold on the turn

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[25NLZ] Exploitative fold on the turn

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players) BN: $25.00
SB: $71.91 (Hero)
BB: $23.86
UTG: $23.51
MP: $16.14
CO: $74.16
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is SB with K K
4 folds, Hero raises to $0.75, BB raises to $3.00, Hero raises to $7.20, BB calls $4.20
Flop ($14.40) 2 Q A
Hero checks, BB checks
Any ace gets there so even his most likely bluffs: A2s-A5s. I would expect him to bluff his flushdraws on the flop, along with his air combos such as 98cc for 1/4-1/3 pot. His check mostly means showdown value, and the best hand I could hope to be against is TT-JJ/ QKs
Turn ($14.40) 2 Q A 8
Hero checks, BB bets $6.84, Hero folds
When he bets the turn, even with this sizing, I don't expect him to have enough bluff combos. Afterwards, I think my fold was too tight as he could sometimes have some JTcc which would stab at one point etc. The thing which made me fold is that I block the KJs/KTs he could bluff with OTT.
Final Pot BB wins $13.68
Rake is $0.72

here's another one, villain complete unknown but fishy given his preflop sizings and his stack. My fold seems very weak afterwards. :/


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