25NL - Weird turn Decision - (I think :D)
Posted by Ducky7
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Low Stakes
25NL - Weird turn Decision - (I think :D)
BN: $26.93
SB: $44.53 (Hero)
BB: $25
UTG: $25.87
HJ: $30.63
CO: $25
SB: $44.53 (Hero)
BB: $25
UTG: $25.87
HJ: $30.63
CO: $25
HJ is a 22/12 over 200 hands, have him marked as a fish but no specific notes on play
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, HJ raises to $0.62, CO folds, BN folds, Hero raises to $2, BB folds, HJ calls $1.38
UTG folds, HJ raises to $0.62, CO folds, BN folds, Hero raises to $2, BB folds, HJ calls $1.38
(2 Players)
Hero bets $2.75,
HJ raises to $5.50,
Hero calls $2.75
Was debating getting it in on the flop but felt like i was better off letting him barrel whatever he does this with? And gonna stack/get stacked by stuff we stack on the flop anyway, and wasn't sure he would get in worse Qx etc on the flop (didnt think he would min-raise it)
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
HJ bets $9.75
His bet sizing OTT seemed kinda large and left him with $13 behind which is where its a bit weird, do I peel and just let him barrel it all off or...?
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im probably calling pre unless we have a specific read on villain that hes calling a lot of 3bets light. as played im just calling turn and if the river bricks and he jams im probably calling but i think you do have to be worried about villain having you beat here, if villain is a fishyer player then i dont know how much of a bluff raising range hes gonna have on such a dry flop if any. i dont think this is a weird turn decision at all though i think its a pretty standard just call... i think your river decision is much more interesting.
Yes 25NLHE contains some fishy players (I'm playing on Danske Spil), this min-raise happens a lot and sometimes it means trouble and sometimes it's just a poor attempt to steal the pot and not risking THAT much money to do it, that's something you have to take notes off if you realize a player is doing that frequently. The turn bet is pretty large as you mentioned but I would call since you also turned a NFD, worst case he holds 77/88 I don't think he open limps Q7/Q8 tho. This looks to me like QJ/QK = Call and you got a river decision.
What do you think the hands he's betting here are considering action, and i had a read he was a fish so kinda felt like 3b and his RFI from HJ was like 20% (idk how lol)
When he c/r otf, he's either ahead or spazzy bluffing. We are no longer looking at Qx imo. His value range includes 77 and 88 and that's about it...I'm not including 78s or even T9s (semi-bluff). It's like a set or air, maybe a random AA or KK here and there. I'm calling the flop raise, but proceeding with caution. I don't expect to face a 3 barrel bluff for stacks here, and without the turn equity I'd often fold ott, as exploitable as that technically is. Interested in other people's thoughts, I'm out of date with the state of the games and still getting the rust off.
it all really depends so much on the fish. If hes never bluffing or VBing worse like this then its a fold, even with the outs we picked up. If he is, then its a call. I know thats kind of a stupid answer, but the question just hinges on what his range is here, and you are the one most likely to know because you played with him.
I think it's a fold or shove OTT depending on your actual reads on how fishy he is, peeling is not ideal as the bet is pretty large, and if you dont hit you'd have to fold OTR
I must say the bets looks much more like a VB than a bluff.. as played I'd fold in this spot
I we´re planing to fold this turn we shouldnt have called the flopraise IMO...and i would need a solid read for a flopfold first. And shoving turn is really a bad idea cauze we fold out all semibluffs that villain might have (beside the miracle KhJh i guess), so calling turn is way superior over shoving as long we dont know he will call it off with KQ/QJ
The only reall ugly thing is that the T should give villains semibluffingrange SDV often. So its a bit ugly that he continous to bet....but relying to attritions range construction we can still call comfortably (esp if we add JT/9T for semibluffs)
Playing AQ calling or 3bettin pre depend if he as a nit range facing a 3bet or you think you can get value or worst Qx and 99-JJ that may call it.
You hit in a good board, but against a call 3bet IP Im think bet/fold is the best here, I dont want to play against a raise/call range of the villian, and in NL25 I know they are very nit, calling here with good pot odds is fine also, but I think in that turn I would bet 1/2 pot and fold to a raise, in turn another raise I dont think means a flop draw or FD, I think he is raising with sets,double pair and a possible draw made, even against a combo draw like 89s we are behind.
As played, I consider calling if you think that are many draws or worst Qx are betting, well medium hands, but taking into account the river raise I give him credit and fold, because against sets+ we are going to have around 30bbs river if we dont complete.
So generally consensus is if he doesnt raise Qx OTF call flop sigh fold turn?
That was my thought in game i think
His VPIP/PFR stats are not as important as his f3b and flop stats.
He's only repping 88/77/maybe 87s.
You need to call about 10 to win 25, so you need like 30% equity if you're behind for sure.
With 9 outs to hearts/ 3 aces/ 2 queens the option to jam 4-straight rivers, and the fact that he can be buffing with hands like JT/T9/A9s etc., I think you should call.
yeah sure hes a fish but he kinda looks like he has a tight openign range and is passive. Im like indifferent to pre now cause i can see merits to both calling and 3betting.
As played, Im just calling down cause we have just about enough equity vs a pretty nutted range imo.
(Equity, Win, Tie)
Player 1: 38.79% 21.76% 34.06% [AhQh]
Player 2: 61.21% 44.18% 34.06% {88-77, AQs, 87s, AQo}
Board: [8c Qs 7h Th ?]
Ye most of what you lot said is my logic too
Turned out he had Qx i won't say what Qx or results but :)
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