25NL Spewy Turn Jam
Posted by ismaithliom
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Low Stakes
25NL Spewy Turn Jam
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $34.48
SB: $26.92
BB: $25.95
UTG: $31.05
MP: $25.04 (Hero)
CO: $61.05
SB: $26.92
BB: $25.95
UTG: $31.05
MP: $25.04 (Hero)
CO: $61.05
Hero is MP with
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Tricky spot on turn.
Was torn between c/folding and jamming.
Obviously it's bad blocking KK,JJ an KQs which might not even fold to a jam anyway.
I shoved because the A is better for the 4betters range than the 4bet caller.
Hes going to be 5betting most of his AK pre. Two aces and a Q on the board severely reduces the combos of AQ and AJs in his range.
I thought I had enough FE vs his range and equity vs his calling range to make this a profitable jam but now that I'm reviewing it it looks like suicide vs a strong range.
Thoughts much appreciated anyone?
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what do you think about x/f turn and shoving OTR if he xb OTT? i'd choose this line if I want to steal that pot.
Hadn't considered that.
Sounds better than my line for sure.
His marginal hands should c/b like TT, JJ Qx and hopefully fold to river jam.
If you had AK, would you shove turn? Or X to induce a bluff and try to shove OTR if V check backs ott?
I prefer to choose other combos as 4b bluff, such as 56s, 67s 'cos when villain call our 4b (V must defend vs 4b with a calling range, otherwise this is bad) you don't get yourself in reversed implied odds spots, you aren't dominated most of time as you would be if 4b KsJs.
But if V is 3b/fold or 3b/5b jam exclusively, choose blocking combos such as Ax combos, or maybe some of KQo.
Pro ably not tbh unless I was up vs very passive reg.
Regarding the 4b, this is not a mandatory 4bet for me but I think it is fine at a low frequency. It has good blockers vs his continuing range, it can flop okayish EQ when called and it is too weak to call the 3bet oop.
I prefer to use KQ, A5s type hands for my 4b bluffs though.
Not sure how I feel about using 56s type hands. Most of the time when called you will flop weak pairs, low fds weak pair +sd type hands and you have no blockers to his continuing range
I don't know if you are 4betting a lot, but if so, the regs may be just calling their AK pre vs you, mostly if they're ip.
I just flat pre. Not much value here and way too good to bluff, imo. Bet/flop is ok, but you gotta x/fold turn. He will never fold an ace, JJ folds flop most likely, KQ is very unlikely.
Why not fold pre? This is EP vs CO 3bet, not a bvb situation. KJ often hard to play postflop oop. Hero will in a tough spot too often I think.
I prefer a call preflop, but this would be the bottom of my 3bet calling range OOP. I would check/fold turn as I expect villain to never fold KQs (which should be the bottom of his value range on flop) on turn after the A pairs. If turn goes x/x you can consider jamming river.
Villain snap called my jam with QJcc and I banged off a T on the river :)
If he snaps with qj he probably tank calls JJ/TT making my shove terrible.
I do like the check turn / jam river line
It was what a said. The population tends to slowplay being the PFA on this turn. I already did a similar play like you did and got snap call the same way. That's why I like to show weakness shoving my trips OTT and pretend to be nutted X'ing turn and Betting OTR.
well obviously rip it in on the turn, take those outs and then type 'nit' in the chat. easy shove if ten is the river card.
but in honesty check/fold turn , then shoving river if check/check is probably an okay line
I think Villain's stat are more important than what hands you block.
I encountered regs who flats a lot and other who never flat, obv betting vs the former is very good due to their wider range.
As played I would x/f turn, I don't think any player has pure floats and I would be looked up light here
No info on on villain. Recently changed my main game from regards tables to zoom and it takes frustratingly longer to build up any meaning sample on players
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