25NL - Line Check - Does it Makes Sense to Triple Barrel this Spot?
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Low Stakes
25NL - Line Check - Does it Makes Sense to Triple Barrel this Spot?
Hero flops the primary draw so it seemed like a pretty clear Cbet as a semi-bluff to balance value part of range.
Hero turns equity with the BDFD and thought I could rep the K well and potentially make certain Jx combos fold with a larger sizing. Because we add the FD outs and the K is good for our range, seemed like a good spot to double barrel. Do you Agree?
Hero bricks on the river and is in position with T hi. Went for the third barrel because we cannot win at showdown and SB seemed like he might be somewhat capped. I marked this hand for review because I am not sure if SB has a range that calls turn and folds river. Once SB calls turn and we do not get there, should this be a give up or is there merit to firing the third barrel in part because we are at bottom of our range.
Thank you.
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preflop and flop sizing are fine. I think on the turn you can use quite a few over bets here 16-20bb range. On the river I don't really like your sizing, seems like a lot of Jx still calls vs half pot sizing. River needs to be polarized with a 1 SPR. Either shove or give up. Sucks that you are blocking so many of villain's draws QT, T9, Q9s, etc. Same time you don't have much sdv and have range advantage, so I think it is fine to shove river here. Just gotta pull the trigger.
Second look the SB only has half a stack here, so I would just play a two street game, medium flop sizing seems fine, then use a large turn sizing and give up on the river without much FE left.
This line looks pretty good. With villain being a shorter stack, they're probably a weaker player so by the time you get to the river, I think you're more likely to be called than get a fold. Two barrels seems like a pretty good option, with slightly bigger sizing on the turn given how good Kx is for your range - you could be betting a lot of your range which improves to TP, 2p, SD etc
Thanks for the replies.
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