25NL KK vs UTG open- 6 bet jam
Posted by MicroFish
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Low Stakes
25NL KK vs UTG open- 6 bet jam
SB: $25
BB: $26.38 (Hero)
HJ: $27.62
CO: $53.87
BN: $12.08
BB: $26.38 (Hero)
HJ: $27.62
CO: $53.87
BN: $12.08
(5 Players)
Hero was dealt
HJ raises to $0.75, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to $2.15, Hero raises to $6.50, HJ raises to $15, SB folds, Hero raises to $19.63, and is all in, HJ calls $10.63
HJ raises to $0.75, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to $2.15, Hero raises to $6.50, HJ raises to $15, SB folds, Hero raises to $19.63, and is all in, HJ calls $10.63
Do I reevaluate after he makes it 15$ and say "5 betting- it's AA" ?
He's running 29/17 /9% 3bet over ~450 hands.
I have a note that he 3bet AKo vs a standard utg open all in from the small blind. (I snapped w/KK then)
I don't just want to chalk it off as "cooler" without reevaluating the spot. I think I read somewhere in SS forums (I think on 2+2) that 5 bets can be AA and if he's jamming AKo vs my utg standard size opening, I think his hand is easy for him to play if he's 5 betting here. Whereas he doesn't know how to play AKo when he misses so just opts to jam. LMK what you guys are thinking
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KK+ no matter how many bets,(exception is extreme Nit who only raises with KK+). anything else, im going all-in. idk, i tried :p, its just so player dependent, but from the stats i think villain could jam with worse.
OK ty .. yeah I just hate losing these 25$ buyins when I do so much more of a zinger than 10$ haha. Probably have been posting every single lost 200bb pot somewhere or another.
i think 100BB, this play is standard, with 200BB+, i would reconsider.
5-handed with 100BB against those stats, you cannot fold.
I will say your 4-bet is too large.
What sizing do you prefer?
I would make it $5.1
no i disagree ,when you open kk utg and get 3bet you should more than not just flat and not 4bet !!
too many players make this mistake and didnt even think of it
this hand : i dont like your 6,50 sizing way to big ..
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