25NL KK overpair vs. tight UTG
Posted by bdon22
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Low Stakes
25NL KK overpair vs. tight UTG
Pre-flop villain made it $0.75 and I 3-bet to $2.35
Villain is on the nitty side and I played a hand with him where he did not go for thin value with top 2 pair on the river. That being said I think this river is a check/fold but I just want to be sure?
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I think i just bet bet bet for value vs AQ maybe KQ
Yeah, I would just bet all 3 streets here for value.
I'm interested to know how we work this out mathematically. i feel he would have all his flopped sets that played it this way as the board remained rainbow OTT.
We basically value betting against exactly AQ, maybe KQ (although we block those combos)
If he calls with all pocket pairs QQ-88 that are sets and AQ KQs then the ratio of hands we beat/lose to: 14/6. So we can still be betting for value even if we get called by better sometimes.
Yeah I think there is merit in jamming this river for value. Albeit very thin value against this particular opponent. AQ makes up a majority of his range.
I don't think he jams AQ when checked to, however. I also don't see any bluffs in his range. As played I think I think I'm still ok with check/folding once checked (which is what I did).
DAZ:and want happend if he fold AQ and call only with set or AA?now we fail with this value bet
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