25NL Interesting Spot Against Fish Fold Call Or Jam?

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25NL Interesting Spot Against Fish Fold Call Or Jam?

In this hand Villain is very very fishy playing 58/38/AF 3.4 (only over 45 Hands ) But can still tell he is very Bad Aggressive. What do you do here? I think I should have raised flop to about 5.25-5.75 but outside of that whats your play here. Ill post what I did and the results later.

Me (HJ) $25.08

P2(CO) $24.46

P3(BTN) $31.49

P5(SB) $8.39 

P6(BB) $22.75

P7(MP) $43.75

P8(MP) $32.73 

P9(LP) $21.27  

Pre Flop: Me(HJ) with [Ks,Ac]

P7(UTG) folds, P8 (UTG1) raises 0.75, P9 (MP) calls 0.75, Me (HJ) raises 2.50, P2 (CO) folds, P3 (BTN) folds, P5 (SB) folds, P6 (BB) folds, P8 (MP) calls 1.75, P9 (LP) folds  

Flop: (Kh,Jh,8d) (2 players) (pot) $6.10

P8(UTG1) bets $2, Me(HJ) calls $2  

Turn: 4h (2 players)(Pot) 10.10

P8(UTG1) bets 10.10



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BigFiszh 11 years, 6 months ago

I´d raise the flop. As played I´d shove the turn. Players like him have tons of worse Kx, Jx, flush draws etc. in their range. Sometimes you´ll see "weird" stuff like AA, JJ, KJ and stuff - but that simply happens.

Chael Sonnen 11 years, 6 months ago

Raise bigger pre-flop. Make it about 3x in position with 100BB effective, plus the money put in by flatters. So that would be 3 dollar. Depending on a lot of factors, you can change your sizing, but 2.5 as a standard is too small, imo.

You should definitely raise the flop. You don't block the heart draw, and there are a ton of cards that will either kill your action, or make you lose a lot of money. His range is so wide that you don't have to worry too much about being behind. He'd have to have KJ (6 combos), and K8 is probably even too light for this guy.

A small bet like this is almost always a let-me-see-the-turn-for-cheap bet, and rarely a value bet with better. If anything, he'd try to induce a raise.

If you make it 7, the pot will be about 20, and you can set up a jam on the turn.

A loose guy like this has a bunch of suited hands that call from MP and still want to see a flop. Don't know if he's capably of trying to represent hearts with let's say just the Ah in his hand, and I don't see him doing this with a hand like QT too often.

I'd fold here. Even a bluff with a single heart has a bunch of equity, and his range is incredibly polarized to bluffs and flushes, because if he had a pair on the flop, he would donk small again or check-decide.

darren2607 11 years, 6 months ago

Rank spot to be in. So hard to read these loose players. Think you should have raised big on the flop, TPTK is close to nuts against this type of player and you'd deny him the proper drawing odds if he has 2 hearts. Not sure if he has the tools to represent hearts as a bluff, and in my experience these huge bets on scare cards are usually exactly what they seem (i.e. I've made my hand and now I bet) but I'm leaning towards a call on the turn and see what he does on the river.

darren2607 11 years, 6 months ago

I think it's a fold then. Not sure I like jamming, I think his range is mostly going to be trash with little chance to draw out on you or flushes which you are dead to. Not sure he would make the small DB and turn shove with a one heart hand, since I think it's unlikely he has the Ah and understands blockers.

Tjohnston 11 years, 6 months ago

Here's the rest of the hand.

I jammed for 20.xx and he tank called with 7x7h

River was a 2c.

I jammed because it just looked so bluffy and I'd seen him make this turn bet here as a bluff before. When he made this bet it was instant, and like I'd seen in another hand, when he insta pot it was a bluff. But outside of being results oriented I think that raising flop here is a must and my big mistake. My jam here is situational ofc and against an unknown this is most likely going to be a fold on the turn. Also I agree that my raise Pre should have been a bit larger. Thanks for all the input guys!

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