25NL AQo

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25NL AQo


29/21, raise cbet 18% before hand, but sample's too small (7 spots), he looked like aggroreg, but i doesnt saw anything crazy from him.

You know whats the problem: his valuecombos are blocked and regular shouldnt raise flop with sets for value,coz board is really dry.

I think i should call flop like everytime vs. raise.
Then on turn he have: (1) 44, (3) 55 and mb (1) A5s/A4s (its not standard tho to call it preflop vs UTG).

Im pretty sure its fold on river, coz texture is really super stupid to ever bluff that way when i already called flop/turn.

Not sure how to play turn tho. Is is fold right away on turn? Just give him credit, even if his valuerange is really so small and he shouldn't really raise for value from flop?


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kafrinius 9 years, 3 months ago

consider some xbacks on F with this hand...( i see my self checking here a lot )
As played time to fold on river for sure .. i dont even see a reason to spaz with worst hand here and posisitons.if u owned him nh .. he prop was tilted :D

MungGae 9 years, 3 months ago

The reason of checking-back on this board is because you think u can't get any value from the worse hand? Yeah cuz the only worse ace he could have here is AJ. if the villain has the ace, it might be low-suited ace A2s-A5s.
How about AK? do you c-bet with AK? also, don't you think you can get at least one street value from middle pair? such as 77-JJ?

kafrinius 9 years, 3 months ago

We have to think how to take the MOST from his whole range and then choose two streets for taking THAT Max value.
Checking Flop allows BB to play bad his overall range on T + R ....( x/c with pairs , value betting worse Ax's , turning into a bluff a pair )....

Consider that he prop x/call 45% - 55% delayed cbets with 77-JJ, Ax's worse on turn and river... ( two streets value
AK i think it's even better x back.. cause we can add aq in the hands we beat.

If we start cbetting from the F we will end up loosing one street vs most players AND we are building a pot early vs their monsterhands ( 44 , 22, A4 , A5) with a type hand ( one pair decent kicker ) and board texture which arent for crazy stack offs :)

Shaun Pauwels 9 years, 3 months ago

Is it the notation or did we raise 4x UTG? I'm going on that assumption with my analysis.

So he sees you open to 4x UTG and should put you on a tighter (strong) range. We get called from the BB and he has to pay 0.75 to win 2.10 so he doesn't get that great of immediate odds. So he either has a strong hand himself that he's slowplaying or one with implied odds. So something like lower pockets, suited Ax(although I don't like the call with those as often), strong Ax.

Flop comes A high and we cbet. The story you are telling is 'I have an A or better.'. We get raised on a dry flop. I don't mind calling perse but BB is saying 'I beat an Ace'. We call ('I don't believe you' or 'I have better than an ace').

So far we have shown strength preflop (UTG open to 4x) and strength on a dry flop (cbet, call raise). BB then barrels off into us and we call it down.
I don't mind perse, I've seen people do this with total junk but they had much different stats than BB in this hand (although 3-bet of 1%...). I just don't think this is profitable against their range.

You also ask if it's always a fold on turn. The answer is that you should have decided that on the flop. To me this is a fold on flop. Yes, it can be exploited. No, almost no one is doing that at 25NL.

As Kafrinius said, I actually like a check back on flop. We flopped good for our exact hand but it's hard for villain to be calling three streets with worse here. Underpairs call 1 street, maybe 2. Weak Ax call 1 to 3 streets, mostly 2 (fish call 3 streets). But even if he'd call 3 streets, we're only exploiting a small part of his range.
A check back allows us to control the potsize in position and it induces much more bluffs and weaker calls from BB.
Imagine he has any pair from 66 to KK. You cbet flop, he calls. Turn you bet, he folds a large %. Now check back flop instead. He's not believing when you bet turn and calls. River comes, we bet and he calls more often than before. To get that extra % when he calls we give him 2 outs.
Imagine he has 78s+ (excluding Ax). He folds flop close to 100%. But with a checkback he might bluff turn by leading. Extra street of value. Very little equity given (sometimes gutshot, some backdoors (4%)).
If he has AJ-A6. We cbet, he calls. We bet turn, he calls. We bet river, he folds often, calls sometimes. If we check flop he either leads or check calls turn. And continues river or check calls. Two streets most of the time. No equity change as we always get to river.

There's also the possibilty we are behind. By checking back we keep the pot smaller and lose less. If he has a set he bets turn, we call, he bets river, we call. Even if he bets pot twice that's a loss of 8.40 compared to an entire stack.
On top of that, we almost always get to showdown by checking back flop. This can't be underestimated. By checking back flop if becomes much harder for villain to get us off our hand.
And to finish, do you cbet JJ+ here? Do you cbet 66-TT here? I most often won't. I would want to get to showdown with them as cheap as possible. So checking back Ax makes your opponent believe you have one of these hands and bluff too often.

In short: Fold flop as played. In the future check back this hand on such a dry flop.

Profchaos911 9 years, 3 months ago

Your hand is basically a bluff catcher at this point you said you felt he was aggro and that's why you called off. If you thought he was bluffing your play makes sense. I don't know anything about him but it really looks to me like he had A4, 55, 54, A3, or total air. Would love to know if it's any of those.

Dddogkillah 9 years, 2 months ago

With the 1% 3-bet and supper high AF, I wouldn't be surprised to see AK+. His range will have a ton of two pair combos as well OTF. He will also have some 76s, 87s, 22/33 ( maybe) for bluffs, maybe some hands like TP+GS, maybe some button mashes. Wouldn't bet/fold Top2nd quite yet.
Turn is a good card for us only improve his value hands...
The river improves 22,33,A2s,A3s (if he had those hands) giving him even more value hands...
I think we could give him some bluffs like 87s and 67s and it would still be a fold OTR. Probably good like 20-25% of the time here against a really aggressive opponent.

I don't think betting the flop is the worst thing in the world, although checking has allot of merit as others have mentioned....

FinciNeedsFood 9 years, 2 months ago

Yes, AK is going to be a big part of his value range here. 1% 3bet, UTG opens 4x. I'd be shocked if this player 3bets AK in this spot.

As for checking back flop, yes it has merits but we can't be checking back all our Ax here and we need to have every hand strenght in our range for every line that we take.

So we need to have an Ace here when we bet 3 streets, when we check back flop and bet T/R and when we bet/check/back and also when we check back flop and turn

So, My default gameplan in this spot (UTG v BB - dry Axx) will be to bet 3 streets with AK, check back A2-A5s and mix up how I play ATs+ AJo+ between Bet/check/Bet - Check back/Call/Call or Check back/Bet/bet

AK should probably always be a bit otherwise what other value hands can we bet 3 streets with ?

Against this player, given our 4x utg open and BBs tight 3b range AQ would mostly likely gointo my flop check range or my bet/check/call range

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