25NL AA - Can I GII on flop??
Posted by ismaithliom
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Low Stakes
25NL AA - Can I GII on flop??
SB: $34.96
BB: $42.66 (Hero)
UTG: $49.75
MP: $25.10
CO: $25.56
Hi guys, I was really unsure of what to do in this spot when it came up.
Any advice would be gladly appreciated.
Villain is reg playing 28/23/4 over 220 hands with a RFI in SB of 82% (9/11) and a raise flop cbet of 66% (2/3)
Only note I have on him is he c/raised bottom pair and bdnfd on flop and gave up on turn when called.
As stacks are 140bb deep, I think it's reasonable to assume villain has a lot suited connector type hands in his range.
These hands hit this board quite hard making FDs, pair + GS, OESD, SD +FD etc as well as stong value ahnds like straights, sets and 2 pair.
It is because his raising range is so wide here vs a 1/3 flop cbet that I really don't know what to do.
Should I:
A) Fold - As he is either very far ahead or likely has a draw that has good equity vs out hand.
B) Call - We have the ace of spades but calling will leave an spr of 1 on the turn allowing him to jam very wide and apply max pressure vs our range with his draws and value hands. We are also allowing him to realise more equity on turn.
C) Shove - We deny him equity with his marginal draws which will have to fold but we are never getting called by worse I think.
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I will not fold on the flop, he can also raise in bluff thinking you raise with AK-AQ-AJ-KQ-KJ, any pair, I doubt he raise anyway with less then top pair but jam all in as you said, he call only with a better hand, so probably I will call and valutate turn in pos.
Agreed. Call and reevaluate turn.
Noone bluffs enough. Fold flop.
fold or shove ,call is bad
Why is call bad?
if call, spr is low, if shove,he has fold rate
If we call flop what do we do if he shoves turn on a :
-paired board 7,8,10
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