25nl ---> 50nl transition

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25nl ---> 50nl transition

So whenever I've played 25nl for a decent period of time, I always crush and make good amounts of $$. For example, I started grinding on the 22nd november this year, and I've made $800 over 60k hands, and I'm still running below ev. So I know this is definitely sustainable, and not a heater or anything.

I've had a couple of shots at 50nl, just 6tabling, and each time I've made a loss. Obviously the standard of play is better than 25nl, but I do think I can beat it. I've just withdrawn a couple of hundred and my roll is now $1.6k, I might have another go 6tabling tomorrow. Is there anyone willing to give advice on the play at 50nl @ pokerstars? If somebody currently plays 50nl then that'd be ideal. I take it there are more regs who are better than those regs at 25nl, and still a good amount of fish. Does it make sense to perhaps stop having reg battles like I do quite often at 25nl (cos theyre not brill) and just play solid and focus on making $$ from the fish?

Any advice would be appreciated. ty


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Parker Muir 12 years, 3 months ago
I would suggest playing 4 tables or less when taking a shot. This way you can be sure you are concentrating and thinking through every decision. I know it may feel a little slow, but use the down time to really study the regs and pay attention to the hands you aren't involved in.

I don't really agree with avoiding the regs. You are going to have to battle them at some point. Might as well come in playing your full A-game vs everyone you encounter. Just set a stop loss if you need to, and if you hit it, drop back down to 25NL.

Good luck!
Michael Gazonda 12 years, 3 months ago
I agree with Parker about not trying to avoid the regs. It's up to you, but there are some good reasons to either want to avoid them or go after them.

Where do you want to be with your poker game at the end of the month? 6 months? A year? If your biggest ambition with poker is to game select 50nl, and make a few bucks, then that leads towards wanting to avoid regs. If you want to move up to 100nl, 200nl or higher... the best 50nl regs are the guys you would beat up on at the higher stakes.

Another idea about avoiding regs would be to avoid them for now, but plan to not avoid them after you get a bit of time in at the tables. I guess the main concern I would have would be with avoiding regs becoming a safety blanket and not wanting to do it any other way.
Matt Percival 12 years, 3 months ago
OK, I want to move up to high stakes, but I don't know when or how. Like I say, I'm a university student and $1k is a huge amount of money to me. So I think in the next few months I just want to be comfortable where I am, making good profits. My objective is to one day play 100nl+, so I guess moving up asap is a good idea.
angeles 12 years, 3 months ago
i think alot of the problems ppl have when they first move up stakes is levelling themselves and playing outside of their game. realistically im pretty sure there isnt any huge differences between the limits and id imagine it might be just overadjusting and overthinking spots.

what i tend to do when first playing a new limit is try to get some wins in there, shorten up my sessions and book wins consistenty for the first little while, helps build confidence and build familiarity with some of the new regs etc

Matt Percival 12 years, 3 months ago
yeah both make good sense thanks. I don't know what to do about moving up. I'm currently a university student and I can make $1k per month playing 25nl which is amazing for my current situation, and I'm not sure there's any point in moving up atm. Decisions
maco 12 years, 3 months ago
If you can make 40 buy ins at 25nl is great and I think you are making a big mistake if you don't go up in limits right know when you run good.I don't think this is your long term winrate.Maybe it will be a good idea when you'll make you're next shot to have more buy ins for 50nl,something like 40.I plan to take my shot at 50 when I will have 50 bi,I need to be more comfortable to take a flip,a bad beat etc I'm at 40 right now.Good luck at the tables!
Matt Percival 12 years, 3 months ago
I'm not running that good though that's the thing. I'm running below EV, and it's quite a good sample size. Each time I play 25nl, putting in a lot of volume, I always make around $1k in a month, or just below/above.
Adam Mollon 12 years, 3 months ago
One of the ways I was advised when it came to taking a shot at a higher limit was to open up the same number of tables I play at my regular limit but substitute one of these tables with a table of the new limit. If the session is going well at the newer limit shut down one of your regular limit tables and open another of the higher limit.

Just to clarify, if you usually play 4 tables of 25nl but want to take a shot at 50nl open 3 tables of 25nl and 1 of 50nl. If you are winning at the 50nl table, close another 25nl table and open another 50nl table (2 of each now), and continue this way until you are playing four tables or regularly beating the higher limit and comfortable playing it. If you want keep a running stop loss and substitute the higher limit tables with your usual limit if you're stuck, getting beat up, sucked out on etc, that also helps too.
kan0 12 years, 3 months ago
What Adam said. Mix in a 50nl table with your usual tables. If not concentrate and just 2 table while you are learning the differences between stakes. I've moved from 180's to start grinding 25nl. I'm building a bankroll and I think there is a big difference between 25nl and 50nl too. If you mix in a small amount of tables of 50nl then I definitely think it is beatable and mainly just a game of confidence.

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