25nl ---> 50nl transition

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25nl ---> 50nl transition

So whenever I've played 25nl for a decent period of time, I always crush and make good amounts of $$. For example, I started grinding on the 22nd november this year, and I've made $800 over 60k hands, and I'm still running below ev. So I know this is definitely sustainable, and not a heater or anything.

I've had a couple of shots at 50nl, just 6tabling, and each time I've made a loss. Obviously the standard of play is better than 25nl, but I do think I can beat it. I've just withdrawn a couple of hundred and my roll is now $1.6k, I might have another go 6tabling tomorrow. Is there anyone willing to give advice on the play at 50nl @ pokerstars? If somebody currently plays 50nl then that'd be ideal. I take it there are more regs who are better than those regs at 25nl, and still a good amount of fish. Does it make sense to perhaps stop having reg battles like I do quite often at 25nl (cos theyre not brill) and just play solid and focus on making $$ from the fish?

Any advice would be appreciated. ty

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