25NL 3-Bet Spot Turned Equity - Overbet?

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25NL 3-Bet Spot Turned Equity - Overbet?


BTN made it $0.62 and I potted it to $2.11 hoping to take it down pre-flop. I suppose I could have just defended but he had a high steal. The fact that he doesn't have 100BB stack indicates he is probably a weaker player so I think his calling range might be a bit wider and my KTs isn't too far behind a range full of pocket pairs and Axs.

I cbet this flop hoping to turn some kind of equity or to get all of his A-high to fold.

I turn some equity but stack sizes is the problem. Pot is $11 and villain has $17 behind. I feel like a bet on the turn can get him to fold 88-TT and some drawing hands. I don't want to bet something like $7 and villain can easily call a river bet if I miss with good odds. 

So should I overbet this turn? $16 into $11 can't make him feel comfortable at all with anything but TP but it does look kinda bluffy.


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