2/5 top 2 vs draw, shove or flat

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2/5 top 2 vs draw, shove or flat

SB(hero) $850
BB $750
UTG $500
UTG1. $400
MP. $2100
HJ. $450
CO. $1200
BTN. $850

UTG limps UTG1 limps HJ limps BTN limps SB completes with J9hh BB checks option.
Hero checks BB checks UTG checks UTG1 bets $20 MP raises to $80 BTN makes $240 Hero shoves $845 Every one else folds BTN tank calls with 102ss and bings the river.

My thought process, since I am out of position with a table full of stations I didn't want raise and play my hand out of position(I am only getting called by all KJ and Qj that no one raises with at this table they just call raises with, as Mike would say"games are good")
When I flop top two and check I knew I was going to get value from the J10-KJ, once the button makes that raise( I have a lot of history with this player) I know that his limp range includes small Suited connectors and broadway cards and I also know he is capable to raise in that spot with OE Str8 draws and hands like 98ss 78ss 56ss etc. when I shoved it was for value from all those hands, when he tanked for 5 min I knew he didn't have a set in that spot and that I was ahead.
The reason why I decided to CR instead of leading is because there was only $25 in the pot( I dunno if that makes sense) and I knew that some one will bet!!!!

My questions are
1) should I just flat the $240 (since I am very familiar with this players range) and shove on a blank turn?
2) do I bet flop for value from all those draws and shove over a raise?.
3) do I raise pre with my hand and play it OOP against a weak line up?

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