£2/5 Live. I get stationy with TT
Posted by mrpink
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Mid Stakes
£2/5 Live. I get stationy with TT
UTG (v god pro) goes £15. I call TT in HJ. BTN goes £55 (he is somewhat loose aggressive, decent thinking player. Not technically proficient but v good as a 'feel' kind of player). UTG calls and I call. I have about £700. They both cover me. I don't have a good estimate of BTN 3 barrelling frequency but it's going to be largely influenced by board texture and his perception of my range.
Flop (£170) 577dd. UTG checks. I check. BTN bets £105. UTG folds. I call. At this stage I think he'll have a decent idea of my range as mostly containing medium over pairs and draws with the occasional slowplayed big hand and the occasional weak two pair.
Turn (£380) 577ddKs. I check. BTN bets £205. I call. I don't think he expects me to ever check-call twice with a big hand, so that my holding is now fairly face up to 99,TT,JJ and the occasional draw.
River (£790). 577ddKs8h I check. He bets £325 (which leave him with about £150 back and me with about £50 back). I call.
Thoughts? I felt like if I'm calling the turn I have to call the river, but my whole line feels a bit spwey and maybe I should fold the turn.
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Call on flop is standard and I'd be planning on leading diamond turns a good portion of the time.
Since you said he is a feel type player in a live game so we just need to be on his level. To me the most relevant read we can have here is his preflop 3betting range here. How wide is it? If I think he is 3betting super super wide I'm basically never folding to a big bet since he will have air so much more often that even if it isn't super likely he is barreling the turn and the river with a lot of these hands he'll still show up with air enough. I suspect it isn't wide enough though and his betsizing is such that he is almost always valuebetting. Do you think he is capable of making a play like this to represent a vbet AND does he know you are capable of folding to that for those reasons? More good live players than not are not going to be doing that ever and he has to know you well to want to go for that play even if he was capable so I definitely lean towards a river fold
in my 2/5 games i would likely XC flop and fold turn as regs have little to no 3B bluff range so that leaves JJ+/AK. your games may play different :)
I agree that normally turn fold is the right play, but I felt like my hand was face up to him and ripe for being blown off. He's more than happy firing multiple barrels as bluffs if he thinks it will get through.
flatbread - I think his 3 bet range is pretty wide here. He also knows I'm prepared to fold. Normally I would agree with you that one can call turn and fold river in spots similar to these, but I think this might be one where the decision has to be made on the turn and that if I call turn and the river bricks it should be a call. That being said, a brick on the river should be a horrible card for him to bluff :-?
mike - 'the very good pro' was the UTG opener. He called the 3 bet and folded on the flop so he's not all that relevant in this hand. I perhaps didn't make that clear. The villain is the 'capable feel player'.
I think this is a case of projecting what we would do if we were in villain shoes and whiffed this board with AQ AJ, missed sooted connectors, that we were squeezing with pre and whiffed the board.
I would fold turn, but as played I think is an ok to c/c river if villain would 3 bet pre and 3 barrel a runout like this.
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