2/5 Live Genius or .......
Posted by 6000 bb
Posted by 6000 bb posted in Mid Stakes
2/5 Live Genius or .......
550 back LAG opens mid 15
775 back me hijack flat A9s spades (yes yes Snowie would have ended the nonsense right here)
900 back Button(abc) calls
Flop 7s 2d 8s
mid- chk
me hij- chk
button bets 30
mid raises to 125
I push
both call
Buton had a 86h for a pair
Lag had 5c6c open ended
forgot turn, river was a non spade jack, 1 pair of 8's with 6kicker who bet/ called, a raise followed by a 3bet push, holds up and takes the pot.
NOW.......lets say just for fun that a pair of 8s 6kicker found a fold for 150bb -200bb......that would leave me and open ender me winning with an Ace high.
I dont know what the "smart way" to say I knew Lag was on a draw is,,, but I was almost certain Ace high against him was good, I also felt button abc was on some kind of value pair8-JJ and would Surly let it go, OR on the off chance he has a set or maybe 78 , Iv got enough outs, I briefly went into the Matrix and visualized a possible straight out as well, runner runner, not to mention the A,,, on the off chance I get called by a made hand. OFF CHANCE 12% maybe 2pair wasnt..... feeling it.......
mid Lag WAS on a draw, How the $%$%$ does button call with an 8? how? where is this universe he lives in? how 2 left in the hand rasing and reraising.......how?
was my play pure genius or pure lighting bb on fire.
In hind site Im not really upset , I think the play was spot on.
This is my life. Im ranting on the internet now.
good night.
I still feel really good about the hand. I really do. In another world the pair of 8s 6 kicker makes a snap fold (or maybe he tanks and then folds best hand right here guys maybe a chuckle as he falshes it to the guy next to him and the guy just shakes his head for the tank., LAg calls and I win with Ace High. Genius.
Everyway I look at it I think I made a good, dare I say, phenom play......no, no I dare not, great play borderline matrix phnom ( I felt the phnom in me I saw the matrix everything was clear boom.....at last years of intution had cumulated into a snap intutive read and action you dont draw back the bow and then release, negative, one fluid action, I knew I acted BAM and read on straight draw :AG who I play with and also had just lost a 500 dollar flip (literal flip)
Some letters got jumbled jumping back and forth between the matrix and here, my apologies.
I still feel it was a great play.
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