$2/$5 Live - Did I Miss a River Raise?

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$2/$5 Live - Did I Miss a River Raise?

Curious to hear thoughts on this hand which occurred at a $2/$5 Live game.

The game is playing quite tame to this point. We've been at the table for only a few hours and we don't have any history with either villain. Here's all we got read-wise:

Villain A (BTN): He moved over from the other game that broke. About two orbits ago he donk-jammed a multiway single-raised pot with JJ on 822. He was called by another player who had 77 and Turned a 7 to suckout on him. He's been fuming about that hand for the last five minutes or so.

Villain B (SB): Youngish kid wearing sunglasses and headphones. He's pretty arrogant (think a similar schtick to Eric Molina from the Jamie Gold WSOP). To this point, we've seen him open limp in with some awful holdings (K2o in LP, 54o) and we've also seen him iso-raise limpers with AXss, KJo, and T9o in position. No 3-bets to this point.

On to the hand. Effective stacks are $750 or 150BBs

Hero UTG: QcTc and raises it to $20

Villains A and B call.

Flop ($70): As Jc Th

Checks around

Turn ($70): 3c

SB bets $45. We call. BTN folds

River ($160): Kc

SB bets $155.

Do you guys like raising here?

Clearly, from the title, you can tell that I elected to just call. With all the AXcc combos still out there (and me holding the 3rd nut flush blocker), I had concerns of only value-owning myself with a raise. I'd love to hear some feedback.


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Daniel Dvoress 6 years, 7 months ago

There is going to be the occasional 98cc or 87cc that he can have, but with 8 Axcc combos out there I doubt your equity when you get called is even near 50% so I'd always just call. Obviously had the SB not potted it would be very different.

Tyler Forrester 6 years, 7 months ago

I think Daniel is correct with his analysis. However I get the sneaky suspicion that this guy can have 8c4c type hands in which case you have to jam. Also you will get hero called with AQ here occasionally.

UCBananaboy 6 years, 7 months ago

Thanks guys.

I ended up calling for the same reasons as what Daniel said. I just feared too many AXcc combos. He ended up tabling 75cc.

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