2/5 live bet sizing
Posted by Edichka1
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Mid Stakes
2/5 live bet sizing
Villain $900ish utg1
Hero $2,200 SB
Straddle pot villain makes it $45
Hero 3bets to $180 with AdAh
Villain calls
Pot $375
Flop Q33
Hero bets $255 villain tank shoves around $729 hero calls.(had to call another $424)
I have about 4 sessions with villain, I know he used play as high as 10/25 at other casinos, thinking player but he has sessions where he just goes on spew marathons.
Session prior to this one he 4/bet jammed with 108ss pre and got stacked.
He calls 3/bets in and out of position about 90% of the time when he opens.
I like my 3/bet sizing pre because I am getting value from his calling range, my bet sizing OTF was meant to look like " I have AK and want to take it down" and I thought if I went big he would shove.
After the hand was over I think I made a big mistake with my sizing, if I bet like $185-$200 I get value from his Qx and His floats and get shoves from his air/bluffs.( I think if he wasn't on one of his spew sessions he would fold to my sizing OTF!!)
Any thoughts on sizing in this spot?
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Effective remaining stack If VIllain started with $900=$720
($720)/($375)=1.92:1 SPR, pretty low SPR situation
I'm Probably betting something like $125(1/3 pot) tbh, given how much i whiff this type of flop.
By betting small, I can have both Air/Value in my flop c-betting range.
I'd make it smaller pre, and much smaller on the flop with my whole range.
It gives you a better price with your bluffs, and it allows Villian to call with hands like JJ at least once.
You don't need to protect from any draws either.
I don't mind betting bigger than normal when playing live. Of course I am bias, I play in a game where UTG will limp for 2 dollars and utg+1 makes it 55, and people check raise paired boards holding a second nut flush draw in full ring omaha....=)
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