2/5 Live-AA 150bbdeep wtf?

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2/5 Live-AA 150bbdeep wtf?

info on villain: he just moved to our main table from a secondary table that was running, he is late 20's and overweight so I assume probably a grinder. he seems to not be getting out of line, he's opened one or two pots and shut down since sitting down so I don't have a lot of his play to base reads off of. I have a LAG image, esp since villain sat down, because i've been getting good hands preflop and am on a bit of a heater, so yeah, on to the hand:

villain has ~750, I cover. 

villain opens HJ to 20, CO Calls 20, 

Hero 3bets on btn to 80 with AsAc. 

villain calls, CO folds. 

Flop Kd7c6c

villain checks, I cbet 105 into 205ish, villain Jams for 650 total, 550 more to hero.



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Edichka1 11 years, 6 months ago

I like your 3/bet size but I would go a bit bigger OTF $130-$140 there is a lot you get value from, I think with his stack size and your lag image he would 4/bet KK almost always, he could be shoving hands like KQcc 89s 67s AK and of course 66 and 77, you're getting right around 1.8:1, live players tend to shove their FD's and OE str8's a lot.

As played I call.

R0b5ter 11 years, 6 months ago

I don't know how your games play but I'd make it slightly bigger pre and on the flop in the live games I play. On the flop you holding the Ac makes it a bit problematic since you block some of the nut flush draws he may be doing this with. It's really a shrug situation. I think I'd call to be honest but you should probably here what the rest of the crowd here says since I usually seem to lean towards a more spazzy line more often than not.

TheLove_Below 11 years, 6 months ago

I dont know how Live Games play But i think AK is a 4-bet Edichkal1 in VIllains perspective, especially if he's an online Grinder.

Pot:$187 on flop

Pot after C-bet:$292

Youre risking $565 to win $962 in the Pot= ($565)/($962+$565)=37% correct for BEP

The things i would weigh based on whether to call or fold

Calling Justifications: 1) I 3-bet on the BU, so essentially my hand range should be pretty wide, and my play here looks like a Squeeze. AA is essentially the Top of my hand range on flop, so if i fold, im making an exploitative fold

2) My flop C-bet sizing could indicate weakness in VIllains perspective, given that board is semi-wet, with KX+ i think most likely scenario, you wouldve bet 60-70% pot

3) VIllain shouldnt have K7,K6 in his preflop raise/calling range, given your description, and KK should be a 4-bet pre by VIllain

4) If he's an online Player, then theoretically speaking, his Jamming range should be alot wider than the Live players Stack-off range.

5)If Villains Value Jamming range is 66(3-combos)+77(3-combos)+67s(1-combo)=7 combos


X=19 combos

If Villain is Jamming with 19+ combos on FLop. whether its TP/FD/SD/Sets, then our call in +EV

If Villain has a C/R Jam Semibluff range, then this should be an easy Call, but i would be little bit wary, Since you have A(c) as Rob5ter mentioned, which reduced a high proportion on his semibluffing range. 

*) Im calling.

Edichka1 11 years, 6 months ago

You would be surprised how many live players would just flat AK pre OOP in a 3/bet pot, even if they are x online players.

Even tho hero's BTN 3/bet should be wider vs LP raise I wouldn't be surprised to see AK here a ton.

Chael Sonnen 11 years, 6 months ago

Reason one and two are irrelevant in live games, Below. Don't level yourself.
He might be aware that Hero is aggressive, but he does not know Villians BTN range is wide, and he definitely doesn't know that his slightly smaller c-bet sizing could indicate weakness. Especially with a heap of chips in the pot, rather than knowing an actual amount.

djnef01 11 years, 6 months ago

just to specify, i stated that villain looked like a grinder, not an online player. down here in south florida there are lots of grinders who never played a hand online but are still good.

nutinsider 11 years, 6 months ago

This is live poker, run over to him, give him a high five and say thanks! Then call.  Im going to add nothing new that hasnt already been said by the above posters.  I like the "hes young and overweight, probably a grinder, line."

Derrick Yamada 11 years, 6 months ago

Looking at the hand from the villains perspective:

Opponent is LAG and reraised in position.

Flop bet doesn't seem significant and leaves me with a lot of fold equity.

Earlier posts mentioned that it is fairly common for live 2-5 players to flat AK here out of position. I think that we can even add KQs and KJs to this range maybe even off suit. Although the starting SPR is near the threshold (4-5) of what I'd like it to be to be getting Allin with 1 Pair vs an unknown player, I think that we have an easy call here given our opponents range(lack of 2 pr combos and significance of draw combos), current game flow given our image, as well as the fact that we shouldn't really be giving a live 2-5 player credit for being able to make a strong hand look like a draw until proven otherwise. Really seems like he's trying to discourage a call as opposed to get one. Typically with these guys, strong means weak and visa versa.

On a side note, knowing I'm calling, before doing so, I'd hollywood-staredown this guy for a minute to see what his physical characteristics are. If he happens to flip over a set, at least you'll have gained some valuable info regarding his demeanor the next time he check bombs it on you!

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