2/5 live 3rd nut FD vs shortie

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2/5 live 3rd nut FD vs shortie

SB $1,300

BB $800

UTG $950 ( hero)

Utg1 $1,300

MP $1,700

MP2 $1,000

HJ   $1,100

CO.  $600

BTN $370 (villain)


Table is very loose, ESP the blinds which are two of the biggest fish I have seen so far, they play all their hands call any raise and rarely fold flops when holding Ax even if there is no A on board.

A couple of hands b4 this one, one of them limped called my raise with Q5r UTG  when I had KQ IP , we both flopped TP but he hit the miraculous 5 on the turn.

BTN is stationary doesn't fold TPWK, got max value from him a hand b4 this one.

So the table is full of fish/stations except 2 good regs that are on my left but they mostly stayed out of my way. 

I was really active at this table and took down some pots with a cbet on high card boards when I was the aggressor pre, so I guess that's y everyone started calling my raises liter when I was in EP.

Hero raises to $20 with Q10hh

6 callers, both BB and SB are in the obviously

Flop $140


All check to villain who bets $100.

SB folds, BB folds.


For some reason I had a brain fart and froze on the flop.

Once villain bets $100 leaving himself with $255 I just don't see any FE period, I wasn't really worried about the players behind me cause they usually bet their strong hands and check fold everything else most of the time.

1) Do I just check fold in this spot to a short stack and with so many to act behind? 

2) If I C/F  that flop with my hand with so many left to act behind wouldn't  good regs take advantage of that?

3) Should I just get it in vs his stack?

I know his value range is J10- AJ 55-77-JJ A5h

I guess is kind of a standard spot, I just got lost somewhere?!


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Aaron Shadrick 11 years, 10 months ago

Has the villain shown any tendency to bet his draws? If the 2 behind are straight forward players they probably would have bet flop hoping for value from the villain whom you said is a station. Against his short stack I probably call flop wait for other two to fold and shove most turns. What is he holding? AJ probably maybe even KJ. If you check fold this flop you probably shouldn't have opened with your hand in this position. 

Edichka1 11 years, 10 months ago

Ok, how would you play it if

1) villain bets flop you call some one behind you raises villain shoves, hero..?

2) villain bets you C/R to iso. with your draw a reg behind flats, what do you do on a turn if you don't bink.........?

3) you cbet reg raises villain shoves, hero....?

Vs a stack of a little over 60 BB with no FE you are not calling the $100 you are calling $350!

So this is really a weird spot against this particular opponent, I would usually bet this flop vs less opponents with deeper stacks just because there is more FE but UTG vs 5 players behind I would even be worried with QQ-AA in that spot, wouldn't you?

Edichka1 11 years, 10 months ago

Villain mostly checked with his air even IP,so once he bet into me and every one else, HE HAS a hand he is going with with his stack size!!!!

Ricardo Anaya 11 years, 10 months ago

looking at expectant value of 370 to aggressor i would def check call/jam flop and turn, he will probably double barrel with any draw, and im guessing he would jam turn w/any card...you have a decent draw so a call on the flop pretty much pot commits you..are you the last player to act??if you are check jam flop, if not call depending on whos left to act...you dont wanna inflate a pot you lose

BigFiszh 11 years, 10 months ago

There´s absolutely no point in either calling nor x/jamming, imho. What do we accomplish? As Edichka1 mentioned, we´re calling $350 (not $100) for a pot of $490, means, we need 41% equity. Where the hell should that come from?!

Easy x/f.

Regarding to how to play the hand, I´d definitely open bigger at that table. With the given SB/BB I´d open to 6x as a standard. Let them come along with all their crap and start building a pot preflop to either take it down postflop or win giant pots. Additionally you don´t invite the whole table to join you with all speculative crap, knowing that SB and BB will close the action by calling anways so everybody after you not only gets giant (implied) odds but also has absolute position on all of you.

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