2$/5$ Cash Game - NL - Live
Posted by Ahmad Aba
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Ahmad Aba
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Low Stakes
2$/5$ Cash Game - NL - Live
10-handed 2/5 NLHE
BB has live straddle on to 10$ , it folds to me .
BN (hero) raises to 45$ w AsQd
SB folds
BB called for another 35$ . I am thinking he is defending a wide range of hands at this point .
eff stacks 750$ .
Flop (95$): Jd 9c 4d
BB bet's out 35$ , Hero calls .
Turn (165$): 10d (giving me a open ended straight , with the Q high flush draw ) , BB bets out 50$ .
I raise to 185$ , He tanks and reluctantly calls .
River (535$) : 2c .
BB checks . I move all in for almost the pot , he calls me down with J3 off suit .
Throughout the hand , I thought about the range he's donk betting the flop with . And I knew a J was in there most of the time , and I thought a river jam would make him fold most of his air , and weak J . I didn't think he had a flush , because I saw him check raise flush draws earlier , and check calling , but never betting out .
What do you think I should have done differently ?
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Given the board texture and his bet sizing, if I were him it would look a lot like you were trying to push me out of the hand rather than get value which would make sense given my small bet sizing. In addition, because the board is so incredibly wet it's unlikely that you would want to risk giving up value of a Q or a made flush my raising so much as it would only fold out weak weak hands and keep in stronger(you would think).
Overall, he's either a donk who can't fold a pair or a thinking player :D
If he is a donk then the river shove was bad. If he is a thinking player then I would lower your 3bet on the turn. Which ever is best depends on your additional reads.
Why would the turn bet look like I am throwing him off his hand though ? The bet sizing I thought was decent given the pot . How much would you have raised if you had hit your flush on your turn let's say ?
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