2.5-2.5(euro) Live QQ 160 bb deep 4 way.

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2.5-2.5(euro) Live QQ 160 bb deep 4 way.

Have been playing for a couple off hours and been very tight. People have seen me limp raise JJ and loose a raise against KQ(all in pre). I have played few other hands aswell but without comming to showdown as villians folded.

Hero midpos QdQh(400 euro) Raise 12.5

2 Players with (500) and (300) calls

3rd player Raises to 52.5(700)

Table folds hero? I know the standard play here is to just 4-bet about 100-150. But as I have been playing fairly tight and I am afraid 3rd player will find a fold here with:(Maybe optimistic for live players?) TT-JJ,AQ-AJ. The only logical hands I should get action from here is AK and QQ+. If I just call I will conceal my hand but invite along the other 2 callers. I decided to mix it upp and just call.

Hero calls and the other 2 players calls aswell.

Flop is 9h7h8s 

Hero X, player 1 X, Player 2 Bets 200 and leaves 100. I have played against him before and he is simply put quity fish/call heavy preflop. His range consist here off draws. He would most likely just X a straight/set,2pair hand hoping someone else bets. Player 3 takes some time to think. Based on the way he acted I thought he did not have KK+. My guess where JJ as TT will probably put in the money here quite happily. After taking some time he went all in. I took a look at player 1 before deciding and he did not look very intersted in the hand so I called.

Hero Calls 

1st player folds. Turn: 6d River: Js

player 2 shows T7, player 3 AhKh

When the hands where turned upp I felt quite fishy for not just 4-betting pre and removing T7 from the hand. And just playing HU against AK? Do you guys think its a big mistake just calling here with 160 bb's with my image hoping to trap or did I just create a bad situation for myself?

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