2.5-2.5 Live AK in a ''tough'' spot vs Steamed LAG.
Posted by erdian
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Mid Stakes
2.5-2.5 Live AK in a ''tough'' spot vs Steamed LAG.
Hero AK BTN (350 stack) Tight Agrresive Image
Villian Midpos (200 stack) He lost a couple off pots. He is VERY creative with any 2 and basicly now looks for an excuse to get the money in.
Lag limps for 2.5 Hero raises to 7.5(I know its kinda small for live but I am experimenting with a small prf strat)
Sb Folds BB calls
Flop AdJ4d Both guys x to hero who bets 15 into 25 pot. Sb folds LAG x/r to 30.
As suspected his range is VERY wide here. I was first thinking off raising back but even he might find a fold with 4x/Jx cause off my image. 3rdly I think he would often raise an A pre himself so he should not have it here very often. Sure he has ALOT off draws here but ALOT off bluffs aswell and IF i 4-bet here he will folld alot off them.
Hero call Turn Jd Lag bets 50 Hero?
Well I guess thats the worst card in the deck for me? Any random Jx got there and so did ALL fds. Problem is HE WILL keep barreling his bluffs but at the same time WHAT did I call with on the flop? I guess all my fd's should have jammed against him? It feels like jamming heret is a bit suicadal. At the same time that is a VERY good bluffing card for him. Should I just call it off regarding or can I find a fold here.
Anyway any thoughts on flop/turn play? Should I have raised his flop bet or is it more ev+ to call and hope he barells ANY turn so I can pick off his bluffs.
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i personally would've raised more pre flop so i could get a better feel of the range of hands he could be playing oop against me, but i understand you're trying out a new strategy. (hope that goes well for you btw)
i personally do think that in the long run with ak it does make sense to just flat call his bet, but i would've liked a 4-bet for a couple of reasons (let me know if i sound too farfetched). given the fact that he's steaming and wants to get the money in, the only combo draws you're afraid of in that spot are aj and a4 (j4 seems really far fetched to me unless he really is as spewy as you say) so it's quite credible for us to re-pop him here given how wide his range is.
with such a heavy flop for straight draws and flush draws, we can narrow down his range of hands if he does flat call the 4-bet and if he does bet the turn, given how strong the line we have taken, i think we can safely fold in position.
but then again thats my playing style and honestly i think there was nothing wrong at all with the way you played it, there are def better spots you could pick against him. the best thing in this spot you can hope for is for him to have kq or q10 or k10, that we could get out of the ugly turn by betting him out on the flop. and if he does shove, our 4-bet kinda puts us in a justified call anyway with only a small range of hands behind ahead of us (a4 aj j4 aa jj 44).
just my opinion :) like i said, totally justified folding his turn bet. i def won't go for a shove cos it just seems a little weak in the spot cos a flush would've just called i think and a full house def would've done so as well.
good fold i think! regardless of the good bluff scare card
Thanks for such a nice response :). This was not a big pot but it really made me think what the OPTIMAL line is. I think this is THE ONLY card in the deck that I will fold to his turn bet. Any 4 I will go with and any diamond. That jack just HITS everything he should be minraising on the flop with.
Well good I did fold the turn and I felt it was the wrong move but feels better now when I got some feedback :).
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