2.5-2.5 Euro Live game Set vs Unknown villian.
Posted by erdian
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Mid Stakes
2.5-2.5 Euro Live game Set vs Unknown villian.
Hero Cutoff about 1000 euro
Villian UTG about 1000 euro
The game is 2.5-2.5 with a 5 straddle
Villian raises to 20
1 Caller
Hero 44 Calls 20
One off the blinds calls and Straddle and the flop is:
4J8 rainbow, Straddle X Villian bets 90 into about 120 1 fold
I was thinking of raising here but the flop is monotone and I just was transferred at the table so I dont know if this guy is good or bad. Perhaps raising to about 250 hoping he will call with AJ is profitable but at the same time he can find a fold to such a big raise and anything less would look very suspiciues. I doubt its a standard play for T9 hopefully he will put me on T9 himself or a weaker J and fire turn. There is people left in the pot the only hand I am scared off is T9. Hopefully they would tag along with worse or decide to steal the pot.
Hero calls 90 rest folds.
Turn A and Villian X, Hero X
His reaction + my gut told me he did not want to see this card so I guess I can exclude AJ from his range.I dont think its good for me to bet here since he should fold all His Jx. I dont see AQ,AK betting that flop against 4 people although it is live and people are crazy this guy had alot of chips+ I dont want him to fold out a mediocre hand.
River: K so board is 48JAK rainbow
Villian thinks and bets out 140. He never has better here so how much should I bet to extract maximum value and what range does his hand consist off? Also did I make a mistake on some off the privues streets?
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