2/4 tptk vs River raise huge
Posted by ibey33
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Mid Stakes
2/4 tptk vs River raise huge
300bb eff I cover
I open ajo to 12 from utg
Co peels
J55 rainbow
I cbet 15$
6 (30$)
I bet 1/2 pot he calls fast
10 (90ish$)
I bet 1/2 pot 45$
He makes it 260
I'm having a real tough time about how to think about River raises in spots like this help pls??
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I would just fold versus most players and on most games. This is not a line that many people take with their bluffs in this situation, and therefore we can just fold these 1-pair hands.
River valuebet is kinda close. Again, depends who your playing againts and/or what games are you playing. Versus competent player this is probably too thin, versus weaker players this is certainly fine.
on bovada so annyonous
Figured I block jj so now he has just a few combos of 666 ttt, but that's it
fold if vesus a unfamiliar V
Can you explain thought process pls
I mean yea I certainly though yea maybe I'll just fold here. (Which is usually the right answer in most of my games when it's close)
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