2/3 Live weird turn spot

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2/3 Live weird turn spot

deep game Blinds 2/3 there is a straddle this hand one fold loose player opens to 24 folds to me in c/o i 3bet to $65 with AA i have about $920 behind button folds small blind insta cold calls he has about $1200 behind hes a pretty tagish player bb folds straddler and opener muck heads up to the flop.

FLOP : Ad 10h 4c

he checks i bet $95 he calls


he checks i bet $200 he tank ships it.

IMO its KQ or nothing here, I mean to flat my 3bet and check call get there on the turn it seems like just a bad beat story for it to be possible but i dont see what other hand he can have to take this line? Maybe 1010? would be a terrible line for AJ , could be JJ but why ship now


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