20NL AdJd | 3 bet pot on AATcc | facing a donk bet 3 way.
Posted by RunItTw1ce
Posted by RunItTw1ce posted in Low Stakes
20NL AdJd | 3 bet pot on AATcc | facing a donk bet 3 way.
Dropped down in stakes, so I am not familiar with the players yet, but found this hand quite interesting. Was beginning of my session, so I don't have any reads.
20NL six max ($29.31 / 146bb effective)
MP open 60c
Hero 3bet AdJd $1.80
BB cold calls.
MP calls.
three ways.
Flop ($5.50) Ac Tc Ah
BB donks $3.63, MP folds, Hero calls.
*There is a 2/3 pot button villain appears to be using
Turn ($12.76) Ac Tc Ah 6d
BB $6.38 (50%) | hero calls
River ($25.52) Ac Tc Ah 6d Qc
BB all in $17.50
Hero AdJd folds
Not sure if I should just be calling down here or raising at any point in the hand. The river is pretty terrible card, a non club river I am likely stacking off.
Later in the session I over limped 7s5s on btn. Board ran out 7749A and I called 2 barrels and a river shove vs same guy. He ended up having KK where he over bet 2x pot on the flop. potted the turn. and shoved river. This was like a 5 way limped pot. So I could make him as a maniac here. At the time though I had no information on him.
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