200nl flop play in 4bet pot
Posted by Mike47
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Mid Stakes
200nl flop play in 4bet pot
BN: $218 (Hero)
SB: $214.60
BB: $200
UTG: $250.12
HJ: $210.29
CO: $420.61
SB: $214.60
BB: $200
UTG: $250.12
HJ: $210.29
CO: $420.61
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, Hero raises to $4, SB raises to $12, BB folds, Hero raises to $24, SB calls $12
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, Hero raises to $4, SB raises to $12, BB folds, Hero raises to $24, SB calls $12
(2 Players)
SB checks
We did not have very much history but I had the stat that he called 2/3 4bets in previous hands. The fact that I make it the 4bet 2 times his 3bet size makes me think that he'll call with pretty much all his range (thus I should probably merge my 4bet range against him?), which would probably contain PP that hit this board and SC as well, which confused me on what the best action was on the flop.
I didn't really want to face a c/r with my hand as I wouldn't know what to do.
I'd like some insight on 4bet size as well against someone like villain.
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It seems as if your bet-sizing screamed out "button steal". Both your raise and 4bet were minimal. Was this done purposefully- to get villain to react to your perceived steal? I feel that you need to make your steal appear just like any of your button openings. I know it makes it a bit more pricey to do it this way, but the reward is well worth it.
i do not like your 4bet hand. if we know he is calling our 4 bets light i want a wider 4 bet value range. with this wider 4bet value range i would 4bet bigger too to get more value.
i would like to know which hands you call a 3bet with, 4bets for value/bluff and calls a 5bet jam.
As played checking this behind we re going to be facing a bet OTT a high % as it looks like we have AK or so high and we can t really call down so we re essentially giving up. I d bet like 35$ and then barrel on the str8, A and I think a K has gotta be reasonable.
In this spot I'd be calling 3bets with any suited hands and any PP/BW hands that I won't be 4betting for value against this guy. Facing a small 3bet from such a wide range of hands makes me think we need to fold very few percentage of the time when we have position.
For the 4bet value range, I guess 4betting 88+ and AJs+, AQo+, KQo, KQs is decent? I'm not used to wide calling range OOP so it's the tougher part for me.
I guess that I'd use hands like Kxs to 4bet bluff (worst kickers that I'm less confortable to flat with) as my 4bet bluffing range. I'd be unbalanced with this strategy but I think it would be a fair one until villain readjusts to what I'm doing.
Would it be good to 4bet hands with good equity like JTs for deception given he's less likely to 5bet and very likely to call? Or should I just keep them in my flatting range. (I'd also expect villain to flat 4bets with his premium range as he probably wants to protect his wide flatting range and avoid being barreled off too often, so this is why I think it's even less likely to face a 5bet).
As played i agree not the ideal hand to four bet with because of the terrible reverse implied odds of making a second best hand. I would rather four bet slightly bigger 28 at the low end and more higher when stacks go up.
I would fire this flop as played to flop, you have some fold equity you have some decent equity in the hand and your hand will be well disguissed if you turn a straight or a ace. I really dont like checking behind here.
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