200 bb deep bluff flop raise

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200 bb deep bluff flop raise

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players) BN: $25.00
SB: $22.46
BB: $58.41
UTG: $59.90
MP: $51.19 (Hero)
CO: $27.62
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is MP with 4 A
UTG folds, Hero raises to $0.75, CO calls $0.75, 2 folds, BB raises to $3.10, Hero calls $2.35, CO folds
Flop ($7.05) 7 8 5
BB bets $3.50, Hero raises to $9.00, BB calls $5.50
Turn ($25.05) 7 8 5 3
BB checks, Hero bets $14.00, BB calls $14.00
River ($53.05) 7 8 5 3 5
BB checks

Do you guys think this is reasonable? On river there is no way i should ever pull the trigger with this hand, right?


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mason barrell 9 years, 3 months ago

Pre flop should be a 4 bet or fold spot.

The flop raise is good, I like the turn barrel. I would probably fire the river as played. You credibly rep all boats. The 5 pairing on the end isn't as bad as it seems because I think most villains would expect you to almost always fold 55 pre vs that action. You're basically trying to make him fold AA-QQ, so maybe you should give up, idk,

As played I'm shoving river (didn't do the math on stacks tho, assuming you have a reasonable size bet to make)

mason barrell 9 years, 3 months ago

Just calculated the stacks, you have less than a half pot size bet to make otr, I think you should just give up. He's not folding AA-QQ getting greater than 3-1 after already putting in 100 bbs.

Sliphex 9 years, 3 months ago

mason barrell, could u please explain why u think this is rather a 4b or fold spot pre? I think there are better hands to 4b bluff IP (suited connectors and/or offsuit wheel aced) and I think playing a suited Ace 200bb deep IP can be very nice (allows you to float more textures/pot controll on A high boards or overflush him vs his 3bet bluffs that contain clubs...) but these are only my thoughts. looking forward to your view of it :)

mason barrell 9 years, 3 months ago

As tight as people 3 bet from these positions I just don't think you'll be able to win enough from this pot to make it +ev to call here. Hard to do the math on this situation but you just have to look at your equity and honestly assess how much you will be able to realize.

Profchaos911 9 years, 3 months ago

I agree with Spliphex you are in position and have a lot of options post flop....float, raise, etc. good poker is not about who has a better hand it's about convincing your opponents that you have a better hand. I like the call pre, raise OTF and OTT its iffy. Turn you're only trying to get a fold from AK, AQ, AJ, KQ, etc but it's not likely he would call with those OTF he probably has over pair. At these stakes you're not getting over pair to fold. I think turn is maybe check and river is definitely check back.

aamadeo 9 years, 3 months ago

I don't think is a bad hand to call a sqz, the key is they are both deep, and you have a nutty kind of hand. And I don't really like the raise OTF because we don't have enough value hands, you have there 76s(3) + T9s(4) as bluff and 77(3) and 88(3) as value, maybe 78s(2), but I rather call and on this turn card I would raise big, and probably shove OTR.

kafrinius 9 years, 3 months ago

4bet pre is the only way to go here ... call the worse. . . -fold in the middle..
Postflop as you chosen to go for it consider to x/raise the size u would with set .. something like 10.50$ and pot turn ... I'm not fun for this line cause if we start a hand bad preflop , no big deal to go for it postflop.

Gay Theory 9 years, 2 months ago

pre its very good to call deep, ppl play retarded deep all day long, u have great IOs ,

but OTF i d just fold, theres not much runner runners where u have a IOs, i.e. on 6 u have most likely 0 IOs
u can only win by if T+R is :
a) 2x, 3x
b) club club
c) 6x OTT or OTR
d) 4x 4x
e) Ax 4x

with c) villain might give u 0 more money so no IOs,
all this combined might happen like at best 9% of the time (9% EQ )
so i dont think u can rly call 1/2p OTF for which u need like 25% EQ which u dont have now vs almost any range, and u can get some IO mb on a) or b) but mb u dont get any on c) d) e) especially if he have like KK he will fear a overcard or 4 cards to straight, etc, or u can sometimes face a set of AA etc, so many shitty scenarios, u pretty much hope for a) or b) only, that happens like 5-6% of the time imo

plus u have so much better hands to continue OTF with BDFD like A9cc A6cc TJcc 89cc etc

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