#2 Rebuilding BR: NL2 KJo in 3bet pot-3way. Herofold river?

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#2 Rebuilding BR: NL2 KJo in 3bet pot-3way. Herofold river?

Blinds: $0.01/$0.02 (9 Players) BN: $2.08 (Hero)
SB: $2.00
BB: $1.00
UTG: $2.50
UTG+1: $2.24
MP: $1.94
MP+1: $2.70
MP+2: $2.06
CO: $2.49
Preflop ($0.03) Hero is BN with K J
6 folds, Hero raises to $0.05, SB raises to $0.14, BB calls $0.12, Hero calls $0.09
Flop ($0.42) Q Q J
SB checks, BB checks, Hero checks
Turn ($0.42) Q Q J 6
SB checks, BB checks, Hero checks
River ($0.42) Q Q J 6 6
SB checks, BB bets $0.20, Hero calls $0.20, SB folds
Final Pot BB wins and shows a full house, Queens full of Sixes.
BB wins $0.79
Rake is $0.03

Flop is pretty standard.

On the turn we could bet but there are not many dangerous cards and it would be more of a protection bet and it would be a bet/fold and since I hate bet/folding I rather check and try to showdown+maybe induce some bluffs.

Ok on the river I think I will induce some bluffs here... but his sizing tho... his sizing speaks the language of value... it's like I'd much rather call 30c on the river than this half pot size bet...

Villain unknown, call`? or can we actually herofold....

from a realistic standpoint he needs AJ,Qx,6x or KK+ to beat us...

KK+ is a cold4bet pre.
6x is extremely unlikely.
Qx should bet the flop and if not the flop should bet the turn.

So yeah he can have AJ but if he is half decent he will fold AJo and then I block some Jx so he can only have 2 combos of AJs...
That being said I can imagine some tards will slowplay their Qx to infinity but even then he doesn't have that many Qx so he only needs to bluff some PPs which is possible like 88-99.

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