2 overs + NFD facing pot bet OTF
Posted by sauloCosta10
Posted by sauloCosta10 posted in Low Stakes
2 overs + NFD facing pot bet OTF
Blinds: $0.08/$0.16 (6 Players)
BN: $9.71
SB: $16.00
BB: $24.10
UTG: $21.03
MP: $18.19 (Hero)
CO: $32.26
SB: $16.00
BB: $24.10
UTG: $21.03
MP: $18.19 (Hero)
CO: $32.26
Hero is MP with
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Villain is unknown basically. But in 27 hands he is playing 41/33 so seems to be on the aggressive side. What do you in such spots, where you have a lot of equity but villain bombs and you feel like there is little fold equity? I put this hand on Equilab, and versus a value range only, consisting of JJ+, 99, KJ and AJ, I have 45% equity. I should just shove here right? I don't want to call flop and then fold on a brick turn if he pots again.
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