£1k nl Live game, 300bb deep oop in 4b pot. Line check please.

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£1k nl Live game, 300bb deep oop in 4b pot. Line check please.

V is a good capable reg, who I've played a lot with.

The game is playing 6/7 handed at this point. I have £3k, V has me covered.

V opens utg+1 to £35, it folds round to me in the BB, I 3b to £120 with QQ, V 4b's to £300, I call

(This was V's 2nd or 3rd 4b in this game alone, although I couldn't recall any of his 4b pots going to showdown. I had been 3betting somewhat actively)

Flop: 873r

I check, V bets £400, I call

Turn: 6c (brings flush draw)

I check, V bets £875, I call

River: 6x

I check, V shoves (for around £1.5k effective), I fold.

My thoughts afterwards are that I should have called off on the river, and I'm folding too much if I don't. I do however have a lot of low-mid suited connecters in my range here, and occasionally KK, so I'm not folding the top of my range by folding QQ.

Should I be really making my mind up on the turn here?

Flatting is obviously an option pre to save these spots, which I will do sometimes, but partly due to the game being shorter I decided to 3b this time.


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Mikek 11 years, 2 months ago

If you call the turn and nothing changes...

Depends on 2 things and theyre reAd dependent imo. 1. Have you seen villain triple barrel air or is he capable? 2. Does he do this with tt or jj ever. If answer is yes to either of those and you called turn i think youre calling river. Sometimes they just have it tho.

Oliver Price 11 years, 2 months ago

The more I think about it, the more I think it's a call. I can take TT/JJ out of his range pretty comfortably, and be confident he never has worse for value, but I do think that he's capable of having some bluffs in this spot (although I wouldn't expect him to be barreling turn with no equity). Even if he has all AA/KK combos + some random 6's for value, and then half those combos as bluffs, it is a clear call. 

But as a general, is it a mistake to be calling turn to fold this river against a capable reg?

VodkaHaze 11 years, 1 month ago
You're at the absolute top of your own range here, or pretty damn near it, given you should 5b AA/KK a good portion of the time, and that 3betting 77/88 pre is probably something you do <5% of the time.

So no, don't fold here, unless you do so to exploit his lack of a bluffing range.

Knowing how the better live pros play at this level (in my experience), it would be even less of a fold because they are usually too bluff heavy.

MrSneeze 11 years, 2 months ago

I'd much much prefer a flat pre with relative positions this deep. If another player had called, I'd squeeze, no problem, but when closing the action heads up in the BB, 3b is kinda faced up, isn't it? (you can just fold or flat last to act, no reason to have a wide 3betting range). Are you really 3betting often suited connectors BB vs UTG+1 this deep? Seems to me you'll have very little FE pre, and will get played back a lot post this deep.

And for this reason also, vilain's 4b range looks value heavy to me.

As played, meh, yes we can call river not to be exploited. But it feels to me he has it too much. Is vilain the kind to blast away 300bb in marginal spots? This is quite a crucial read to have. Timing tells (any tells) should also be a big part in your decision imo.

Oliver Price 11 years, 2 months ago
Yea, I would be 3-betting suited connectors occasionally, or suited aces, mainly to balance the times I want to 3b AA/KK/AKs and sometimes QQ so I'm not face-up. And getting played back at post is not always a bad thing. I wouldn't expect much FE pre at all, but that's fine. You can get in some really great spots when you're opponent thinks you're capped at pairs on low-mid wet boards.

V has been a winning reg in these games and bigger ones for many years as far as I'm aware. I have seen him willing to commit stacks in marginal spots before (although nothing too similar to this one). I'm sure he's not flawless in giving away subtle timing/ physical tells but he's definitely at a point where I can't pick anything up from him. What would a river timing tell be in this spot anyway? A quick shove = strength, and vica versa?

blochnessmonster 11 years, 2 months ago

Villain may flat AA, KK pre given it's HU and he's in position. I think he's more likely 4betting Ako, KQo, suited connectors, etc.  Agree w all above in that it's super read dependent and how often is villain going to be bluffing this spot.  But we have >50% equity vs his range including all 4bet suited connectors.  It's live poker, you don't often see players jamming river w air but you know this villain better than we do.

MrSneeze 11 years, 2 months ago

@Oliver Price: ok if vilain is a winning, he can def have more bluffs in his range than others at every step of the hand, so we could bluffcatch.

As for tells it's hard to say in a vacuum, you have to get reads / instincts beforehand. Timing of his 4b pre can be significant. Betting motion in such an inflated pot can be important, unless vilain is super aware of his movements. As for river timing, actually a quick shove clould be weakness: some decent players just decide rather early in the hand whenever they want to barrel, so they have a quick decision.

In the end, in such a massive pot, I believe your gut has a word to say. This is the translation, from the inside, of all the subtle information that flow through body langage, the nervosity around the table, etc. It's def tough to follow (I'm working a lot on that), but it is usually rather precise.

Alex W. 11 years, 1 month ago
Many villains in these games will only have AA/KK here.  However if villain is fairly active with 4Bs I think the river is a clear call.  I'm fairly confident that from a frequency perspective we are likely folding 'too much' on the river if we fold QQ which is correct against most villains.  Against someone with a wider range than most I think it's a mandatory call.
Alex W. 11 years, 1 month ago

But that said it's generally a good disciplined fold so I give you props for reaching what I believe is USUALLY the correct conclusion. 

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